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Beaverton Schools

School Improvement Plan

Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe & Thriving

Strategic Plan Outcome: Every Student Thrives Socially and Emotionally
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students reporting there is at least one adult who really cares about them.
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): By the end of the school year, 98% of students will report that there is at least one adult who really cares about them. (up from 92%)

Available Leading Indicators for this Measure:

  1. Pre & Post Data from the school-created K-5 survey designed to capture students' thoughts and feelings about belonging at school and adults who care about them. 

  2. Increase the percentage of regular attenders at each marking period (Early Warning Reports) (currently 74.9% on State Report card). 

Strategic Plan Strategy: Explicitly implements practices at each school to support student social, emotional and mental health.

Strategic Plan Goal Area 2: Progress on Standards

Strategic Plan Outcome: All students demonstrate progress toward, and achievement, of the standards
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students in grades 3-8 reporting proficiency on the state Math test
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): By the end of 3rd Grade, 80% of 3rd Grade Students will demonstrate proficiency on the state math test (Up from 74.2%)

Available Leading Indicators for this Measure:

  • Semester 1 math progress report marks 

Strategic Plan Strategy: Implement strong multi-tiered systems of support for students' academic needs