Learning Targets
Kindergarten Learning Targets
Behavior (K-2) BLT 1 - Responsibility
Manages responsibilities as a student
- BST 1.1 - Use of Class Time : Uses class time appropriately
- BST 1.2 - Preparation : Prepares for class with necessary materials and is ready to learn.
- BST 1.3 - Follows Directions : Follows directions timely and accurately
- BST 1.4 - Quality Work : Demonstrates quality work
- BST 1.5 - Appropriate Choices : Makes safe and appropriate choices (K-2)
BLT 2 - Self Directs
Self-directs Learning
- BST 2.1 - Develops a Plan : Develops a plan to achieve goals, with teacher support
- BST 2.2 - Persists with a Task : Persists with a task over time
- BST 2.3 - Variety of Sources : Utilizes a variety of sources to find help
- BST 2.4 - Advocates for Self : Advocates for self
(K-2) BLT 3 - Group Work
Communicates and works effectively within a team or group
- BST 3.1 - Active Participation : Actively participates in group work
- BST 3.2 - Listening Respectfully : Listens respectfully and acknowledges the contributions of others
- BST 3.3 - Sharing Ideas : Shares ideas clearly
- BST 3.4 - Safe Environment : Contributes to creating a safe learning environment
- BST 3.5 - Adapts to Changes : Adapts to changes in the group process with a positive attitude
English Language Arts - Writing
(Writing) - ALT 1 - Stating an Opinion
I can draw, dictate, and write opinion pieces on a topic or book, stating an opinion or preference.
- AST 1.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can tell my reader the topic or name the book I am writing about.
- AST 1.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can state my opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...).
(Writing) ALT 2 - Informative-Explanatory Texts
I can draw, dictate, and write informative/explanatory texts to name a topic and supply some information.
- AST 2.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can name the topic I am writing about.
- AST 2.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can give information about the topic.
(Writing) ALT 3 - Write to Narrate
I can draw, dictate, and write to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events.
- AST 3.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can draw, write, and dictate a single event or several loosely linked events.
- AST 3.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can tell about the events in order.
- AST 3.3 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a reaction to what happened.
English Language Arts - Language
(Language) ALT 4 - Standard English Grammar
I can demonstrate command of standard English grammar when writing or speaking.
- AST 4.1 - Print Letters : Print many upper- and lowercase letters
- AST 4.2 - Nouns and Verbs : Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs.
- AST 4.3 - Regular Plural Nouns : Form regular plural nouns
- AST 4.4 - Question Words : Correctly use question words
- AST 4.5 - Prepositions : Use the most frequently occurring prepositions
- AST 4.6 - Complete Sentences : Produce and expand complete sentences
(Language) ALT 5 - Conventions
I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- AST 5.1 - Capitalize First Word : ? Capitalize the first word in a sentence and “I”.
- AST 5.2 - End Punctuation : Capitalize the first word in a sentence and “I”.
- AST 5.3 - Consonant and Short-vowel Sounds : Write a letter for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).
- AST 5.4 - Spelling : Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Fine Arts - Elem Music
- ALT 1 - Create, Present, and Perform Create, Present, and Perform: Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
- AST 1.1 - Explore Musical Elements : Explore musical elements: beat, tempo, pitch, dynamics.
- AST 1.2 - Echo Rhythm Patterns : Echo rhythm patterns on a rhythm instrument or using body percussion.
- AST 1.3 - Use Pitch, Dynamics, Rhythm, Tempo : Use pitch, dynamics, rhythm and tempo to sing.
- AST 1.4 - Sing Together : Sing together in a group.
- AST 1.5 - Explore Play Instruments : Explore and properly play instruments, using beat and tempo.
- AST 1.6 - Recognize Music Symbols : Recognize that music has symbols.
- AST 1.7 - Use Maintain Materials : Follow procedures for using and maintaining materials, equipment and space.
- AST 1.8 - Use Imagination : Use imagination to create music.
- AST 1.9 - Sing a Song Demonstrate Feeling : Sing a song that demonstrates a feeling.
- AST 1.10 - Tell About Performance : Tell about one’s own performance.
ALT 2 - Aesthetics and Criticism Aesthetics and Criticism:
Respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles, and aesthetic criteria.
- AST 2.1 - Tell How Music Makes you Feel : Tell how a piece of music makes you feel, or what pictures come to your mind.
- AST 2.2 - Recognize Rhythm Instruments : Recognize classroom rhythm instruments by sight or sound.
- AST 2.3 - Recognize Words : Recognize words that describe music.
- AST 2.4 - Tell Why You Like Music : Tell why you like a piece of music.
- AST 2.5 - Elements of Piece of Art : Tell if music, dance, drama, or visual art are used together in a piece of art.
- AST 2.6 - Notice Music in Another School Subject : Tell when you notice music in another school subject.
ALT 3 - Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Historical and Cultural Perspectives: Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
- AST 3.1 - Experience Music : Experience music that relates to an event.
- AST 3.2 - Experience Music From Another Culture : Experience music from another culture.
- AST 3.3 - Listen to Music : Listen to music that describes a personal experience.
- AST 3.4 - Personal Experience Connects to Music : Tell how a personal experience connects to music.
- AST 3.5 - Tell How Music Helps : Tell how music helps.
- AST 3.6 - Music Connects Another Art Form : Tell if music connects with another art form.
- AST 3.7 - Music Affects a Person : Tell when music affects a person.
Fine Arts - Elem Visual Arts
ALT 1 - Create, Present, Perform
I can apply ideas, techniques and processes in the arts.
- AST 1.1 - Technical Skill : I can create, present and perform works of art by using experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting, and/or performing works of art.
- AST 1.2 - Creative Process : I can apply the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving to the creative process and analyze the infl uence that choices have on the result.
- AST 1.3 - Artistic Voice-Communication : I can express ideas, moods, and feelings through the arts.
- AST 1.4 - Critique-Evaluation : I can evaluate one’s own work orally and in writing.
ALT 2 - Aesthetics and Criticism
I can respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic criteria.
- AST 2.1 - Critical Analysis : I can apply critical analysis to works of art.
- AST 2.2 - Personal Evaluation : I can respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences.
- AST 2.3 - Interdisciplinary Relationship : I understand the interrelationships among art forms and between arts and other content areas.
ALT 3 - Historical and Cultural Perspectives
I can understand the relationship of works of art to their social, historical and cultural contexts, and the influence of the arts on individuals, communities and cultures.
- AST 3.1 - Context : I understand how events and conditions influence the arts.
- AST 3.2 - Compare and Contrast : Distinguish works of art from different societies, time periods and cultures.
- AST 3.3 - Personal Interpretation : Understand how the arts can reflect the environment and personal experiences within a society or culture, and apply to one’s own work.
- AST 3.4 - Global and Interdisciplinary Connections : I understand the place of the arts within, and their influences on, society.
- AST 3.5 - Human Experience and Tech Development : Describe how the arts can influence individuals, communities and cultures.
ALT 1 - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Health: K: 1-Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs
- AST 1.1 - Dispense Medication to Children : I can explain who is an appropriate person to dispense medication to children. (AI)
ALT 2 - Prevention and Control of Disease
Health: K: 2-Prevention & Control of Disease
- AST 2.1 - Avoid Contact with Others Blood : I can explain the importance of avoiding contact with others’ blood and other body fluids. (CC)
- AST 2.2 - Share Strategies Prevent Disease : I can share strategies for preventing the spread of communicable disease to others.
- AST 2.3 - Identify Danger Signs Consumer Products : I can identify danger signs and symbols on consumer products. (AI)
ALT 3 - Environmental Health
Health: K: 3-Environmental Health
- AST 3.1 - Environmental Health : Environmental Health
ASLT 4 - Healthy Eating
Health: K: 4-Healthy Eating
- AST 4.1 - Identify Food Groups : I can identify the food groups in the current USDA recommended guidelines. (CC)
- AST 4.2 - Identify Healthy Snacks : I can identify healthy snacks. (AI)
ALT 5 - Mental, Social and Emotional Health
Health: K: 5-Mental, Social & Emotional Health
- AST 5.1 - Name Kinds of Emotions : I can name the different kinds of emotions. (CC)
- AST 5.2 - Mental Emotional Health Issues : I can identify appropriate people to talk to about mental and emotional health issues, concerns and worries. (AI)
ALT 6 - Sexual Health
Health: K: 6-Sexual Health
- AST 6.1 - Safe Unsafe Touch : Identify safe, unsafe, and confusing touch. (CC)
ALT 7 - Unintentional Injury Prevention
Health: K: 7-Unintentional Injury Prevention
- AST 7.1 - Identify Ways to Prevent Fires : I can identify ways to prevent fires and reduce risk of injury in case of fire. (CC,*)
- AST 7.2 - Use 911 : I can recognize when and how to use 911. (AI)
ALT 8 - Violence Prevention Health:
K: 8-Violence Prevention
- AST 8.1 - Safe People Places : I can identify safe people and places to go if you feel unsafe or threatened. (AI)
Library and Information Reading Engagement
- Reading Engagement : K.1.1: Find and choose appropriate books from the everybody and nonfiction sections with guidance.
- Reading Engagement : K.1.2: Make personal connections with text during shared text experiences.
- Reading Engagement : K.1.3: Share opinions about reading materials orally or through pictures.
- Reading Engagement : K.1.4: Identify differences between "real" nonfiction and "imaginary" fiction.
- Reading Engagement : K.1.5: Identify authors and illustrators as the creators of books.
Social Responsibility
- Social Responsibility : K.2.1: Understand how to stay safe online by always asking for adult permission and only visiting sites selected by trusted adults.
- Social Responsibility : K.2.2: Participate in discussions on how print and non-print works are created by and belong to an author or illustrator.
- Social Responsibility : K.2.3: Identify a fact and opinion with modeling.
- Social Responsibility : K.2.4: Listen to a wide range of literature to develop respect for the ideas of others. 5-Social Responsibility : K.2.
- Control voice and body movements in the library. 6-Social Responsibility : K.2.
- Find and check out materials responsibly and care for them appropriately.
Literacy: K: Reading
- Concepts of Print : Distinguish letters from words; recognize upper and lower case.
- Concepts of Print : Know that print is spoken words written down that have meaning when constructed as sentences.
- Concepts of Print : Identify the parts of a book and the orientation of print.
- 1-Phoemic Awareness : Listen to one syllable words; identify beginning and ending sounds.
- 2-Phoemic Awareness : Identify all consonant and short vowel sounds.
- 3-Phoemic Awareness : Blend two to three phonemes into words, and segment single syllable words into sounds.
- 4-Phoemic Awareness : Given a spoken word, produce another word that rhymes with it.
- 1-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Learn most one-to-one letter sound correspondences, and blend sounds to read one-syllable decodable words.
- 2-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Recognize an increasing bank of high frequency sight words.
- 1-Vocabulary : Classify common pictures/words by category to derive meaning.
- 2-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through listening, discussion, and direct teaching of words in literary, informational, and content specific texts.
- 3-Vocabulary : Use vocabulary accurately across the subject areas.
- 1-Fluency : Blend sounds to read one-syllable decodable words.
- 1-Comprehension : Tell the sequence of events in a story.
- 2-Comprehension : Correctly answer simple questions about a text read aloud.
- 3-Comprehension : Develop an interpretation of texts using personal connections and predictions based on pictures or portions of the text.
- 1-Reading to Perform a Task : Demonstrate familiarity with everyday print including parts of a book, signs, notices, and labels.
- 1-Und & Using the Reading Process : Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussion.
- 1-Und & Using Literary Forms-Genres : Listen to and experience a wide variety of literature including alphabet books, informational stories, classic and contemporary literature.
Speaking & Listening Literacy:
- K: Speaking & Listening
- 1-Listening : Listen when others are speaking.
- 2-Listening : Understand and follow one and two step oral directions.
- 1-Analysis : N/A 1-Speaking : Share information and ideas, speaking in complete, coherent sentences. Tell an experience or story in a logical order.
- 2-Speaking : Speak audibly and look at listeners most of the time.
- 3-Speaking : Recite, retell, describe, and dramatize.
Math ALT 1 - Counting Strategies
I can use counting strategies to determine the number of objects and I can understand the relationship between numbers and quantities.
- AST 1.1 - Count to 100 by Ones : I can count to 100 by ones starting at one.
- AST 1.2 - Count to 100 by 10s : I can count to 100 by tens starting at ten.
- AST 1.3 - Counting Forward : I can count forward by ones beginning with a number other than one to 100.
- AST 1.4 - Writing Numbers 0-20 : I can write the numbers 0 to 20.
- AST 1.5 - Writing Numbers the Represent Objects : I can write the numbers that represent a given number of objects from zero to twenty.
- AST 1.6 - Say Number Names in Order : I can, when counting objects, say the number names in order while matching each object with a number.
- AST 1.7 - Last Number Said : I know that the last number said tells the number of objects counted no matter how the objects are arranged.
- AST 1.8 - Successive Numbers : I know that each successive number counted is one larger than the last number counted.
- AST 1.9 - Counting 20 Objects : I can count up to twenty objects to answer "how many" with the objects arranged in a line, rectangular array or circle.
- AST 1.10 - Counting Within 20 : I can, when given a number within twenty, count out that number of objects.
ALT 2 - Compare Numbers or Groups within 10
I can compare written numbers or groups of objects within 10.
- AST 2.1 - Greater, Less, Equal to 10 : I can determine whether a group of ten or fewer objects is greater than, less than, or equal to another group of objects.
- AST 2.2 - Greater, Less, Equal Between 1-10 : I can determine whether a written number, between one and ten, is greater than, less than, or equal to another written number, between one and ten.
ALT 3 - Solve Add-Subtract Problems within 10 I can solve addition and subtraction problems within 10.
- AST 3.1 - Showing Add-Sub with Objects : I can show addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
- AST 3.2 - Solve Add-Sub Word Problems to 10 : I can solve addition and subtraction word problems within 10.
- AST 3.3 - Representing Add-Sub Word Problems : I can use objects or drawings to represent the addition or subtraction word problem.
- AST 3.4 - Take Apart Numbers : I can take apart numbers, less than or equal to ten, into pairs in more than one way and write or draw a matching equation.
- AST 3.5 - Solve Add-Sub Problems with Drawing : I can use objects or drawings to solve addition and subtraction problems, and then record each composition with a drawing or an equation.
- AST 3.6 - Finding Missing Number to 10 : I can find the missing number that makes 10, when added to the other given number and I can record the answer using drawings or equations.
ALT 4 - Mental Strategies for Add-Sub within 5
I can use mental strategies to fluently and accurately add and subtract within 5.
ALT 5 - Place Value from 11-19
I can use place value to compose/decompose numbers from 11-19.
- AST 5.1 - Numbers Taken Apart 11-19 - Pt 1 : I know that any number between 11 and 19 can be taken apart into 10 ones and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones.
- AST 5.2 - Numbers Taken Apart 11-19 - Pt 2 : I can show with a drawing or equation that any number between 11 and 19 can be taken apart into 10 ones and some more ones (such as 18 = 10 8).
ALT 6 - Measure Attributes of an Object Compared
I can describe measurable attributes of an object and directly compare 2 objects with measurable attributes.
- AST 6.1 - Measurable Attributes : I know that objects have measurable attributes and I know what they are called (such as length and weight).
- AST 6.2 - Using Attributes : I can describe an object by using attributes (such as length, width, height, weight, etc.)
- AST 6.3 - Additional Attributes : I can describe more than one attribute of a single object.
- AST 6.4 - Meanings Measurable Attributes : I know the meaning of words that describe measurable attributes (such as more/less, taller/shorter, etc.)
- AST 6.5 - Two Objects Compared : I know that two objects can be compared using a particular attribute.
- AST 6.6 - More-Less of Measurable Attribute : I can compare two objects and determine which has more and which has less of the measurable attribute and describe the difference.
ALT 7 - Classify, Sort, and Count
I can classify objects into categories and sort and count objects into a specified category.
- AST 7.1 - Classifying by Attribute : I can classify objects into given categories by different attributes.
- AST 7.2 - Counting in a Category : I can count the number of objects in a category within 10.
- AST 7.3 - Sorting into Categories : I can sort objects into categories then determine the order of the categories by the number of objects in each category.
ALT 8 - ID and Describe Shapes (2D-3D)
I can identify and describe shapes (two- and three-dimensional.)
- AST 8.1 - Describe the Position of an Object : I can describe an object's position such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, next to.
- AST 8.2 - Using Names of Shapes : I can describe objects in the environment using names of shapes.
- AST 8.3 - Naming Shapes : I can accurately name shapes.
- AST 8.4 - Size and Name of Shape : I know that size does not affect the name of a shape.
- AST 8.5 - Orientation and Name of Shape : I know that orientation does not affect the name of a shape.
- AST 8.6 - ID Shapes as 2D or 3D : I can identify shapes as two dimensional or three-dimensional.
- AST 8.7 - 2D Shape is Flat : I know that a two-dimensional shape is lying in a plane or "flat".
- AST 8.8 - 3D Shape is Solid : I know that a three-dimensional shape is "solid".
ALT 9 - Using Shapes (2D-3D)
I can analyze, compare, and compose two- and three-dimensional shapes
- AST 9.1 - Attributes of Shapes : I can identify and count the number of sides, vertices/”corners”, and other attributes of shapes.
- AST 9.2 - Similarities-Differences of 2D-3D Shapes : I can describe similarities and differences of various two- and three-dimensional shapes.
- AST 9.3 - Analyzing Shapes : I can analyze and compare two- and threedimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts, and other attributes.
- AST 9.4 - Making New Shapes : I can make a new larger shape using more than one simple shape.
Physical Education
ELT 1 - Expressive Efficient Movement
I can demonstrate motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities and motor skill proficiency in one physical activity
- EST 1.1 - Basic Locomotor Patterns : Demonstrate mature forms of basic locomotor patterns: run, gallop, slide, horizontal jump, hop, leap and skip, starting and stopping on command and in control.
- EST 1.2 - Manipulative Skills : Demonstrate critical elements in manipulative skills: throw, catch, kick and strike.
- EST 1.3 - Balance : I can balance, demonstrating momentary stillness, in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes on a variety of body parts.
- EST 1.4 - Step Patterns : I can demonstrate three different step patterns and combinations of movements into repeatable sequences.
ELT 2 - Fitness For Lifetime
I can demonstrate knowledge of a physically active lifestyle
- EST 2.1 - Changes in Body During Exercise : I can identify changes in my body during moderate to vigorous exercise.
ELT 3 - Self-Management Social Behavior
I can understand appropriate and positive behavior management (social skills) and respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity.
- EST 3.1 - Identify Rules Procedures Etiquette : I can identify rules, procedures and etiquette in a specified physical activity.
- EST 3.2 - Resolve Conflict : I can identify positive ways to resolve conflict.
(SF) ALT 1 - C-C Living and Non Living Things
I can compare and contrast characteristics of living and non-living things.
- AST 1.1 - Identify Non-living Things : I can identify non-living things.
- AST 1.2 - ID Living Things : I can identify living things.
- AST 1.3 - What Living Things Need : I can describe what living things need.
- AST 1.4 - Observation with Senses : I can identify and describe what I observe with my senses.
- AST 1.5 - What Objects are Made Of : I can identify what objects are made of.
- AST 1.6 - Sorting Objects : I can sort objects by what they are made of.
- AST 1.7 - Characteristics of Objects : I can describe objects by their characteristics.
- AST 1.8 - Sort Objects by Characteristics : I can sort objects by their characteristics.
(SF) ALT 2 - C-C Plants and Animals
I can compare and contrast characteristics of plants and animals.
- AST 2.1 - ID Animals Alike-Different : I can identify some ways animals are alike and different.
- AST 2.2 - ID Plants Alike-Different : I can identify some ways plants are alike and different.
- AST 2.3 - Young Animals and Parents : I can match young animals with their parents.
- AST 2.4 - Baby Animals Change : I can describe ways baby animals change as they grow.
- AST 2.5 - Plants Change : I can tell how plants change as they grow.
- AST 2.6 - People Change : I can explain ways people change as they grow.
- AST 2.7 - Plants and Animals on Land : I can identify some plants and animals that live on land.
- AST 2.8 - Plants and Animals on Water : I can identify some plants and animals that live in water.
(SF) ALT 3 - Sun Warming Land, Air, Water
I can gather evidence that the sun warms land, air, and water.
- AST 3.1 - Areas with Water or Land : I can record the temperature of soil, air and water in different areas.
- AST 3.2 - Record Temperature : I can record the temperature of soil, air and water in different areas.
- AST 3.3 - Sun Affects : I can describe how the sun affects the temperature of soil, air, and water in different areas.
(IC) ALT 4 - Way Things Move
- I can examine the different ways things move.
- AST 4.1 - Position Words : I can describe where an object is located using position words.
- AST 4.2 - Push or Pull : I can identify how a push or a pull makes objects move.
- AST 4.3 - Comparing Moving Objects : I can compare objects that move on their own and objects that cannot move on their own.
- AST 4.4 - Fast Objects : I can compare objects by how fast they move.
(IC) ALT 5 - Things in the Sky
I can identify changes in things seen in the sky.
- AST 5.1 - Daytime Objects in Sky : I can identify objects seen in the sky during the daytime. (i.e. Sun, clouds, birds, airplanes, moon, etc.)
- AST 5.2 - Nighttime Objects in Sky : I can identify objects seen in the sky during the night. (i.e. the moon, stars, clouds, airplanes, etc.)
- AST 5.3 - Changes in Position : I can describe changes in the position of objects seen in the sky.
- AST 5.4 - Changes in Movement : I can describe changes in the movement of objects seen in the sky.
- AST 5.5 - Patterns of Movement : Observe patterns of movement of objects seen in the sky.
(SI) ALT 6 - Explore Questions Living-Non Living
I can explore questions about living and non-living things and events in the natural world.
- AST 6.1 - Using Your Senses : I can observe using my senses.
- AST 6.2 - I Wonder... : I can ask "I wonder…" questions about what I have observed.
(SI) ALT 7 - Observations of the Natural World
I can make observations about the natural world.
- AST 7.1 - Characteristics of Objects : I can describe objects by their characteristics.
- AST 7.2 - Natural and Human Made : I can identify what is natural and human made.
- AST 7.3 - I Notice... : I can make "I notice…" statements
(ED) ALT 8 - Create Structures
I can create structures using natural or designed materials and simple tools.
- AST 8.1 - Diff-Natural and Man-made : I know the difference between natural and man-made objects (introduce technology).
- AST 8.2 - Build Things to Solve Problems : I know that some people build things to solve problems (introduce engineering).
- AST 8.3 - Use Materials : I can use materials (simple tools) to create a structure.
- AST 8.4 - Create Structure : I can create a structure (prototype or model) to help solve a problem.
(ED) ALT 9 - Disassemble-Reassemble
I can show how parts of designed structures can be disassembled and reassembled.
- AST 9.1 - Parts of a Whole Object : I can describe the parts of a whole object.
- AST 9.2 - Using Parts : I can use parts to build a structure (model).
- AST 9.3 - Show Each Part of Structure : I can take apart a structure (model) to show each part.
Social Studies
ALT 1 - Comp-Contrast Past and Present
I can compare and contrast past and present (families, communities, places, events, and practices).
- AST 1.1 - Same - Different : With prompting and support, I can tell what is the same and what is different between two things.
- AST 1.2 - Venn Diagram : With prompting and support, I can use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two things.
- AST 1.3 - Change Over Time : With prompting and support, I can use temporal words (i.e. before, during, after), to tell how things change over time.
- AST 1.4 - If...Then Statements : With prompting and support, I can tell why things happen (if…then statements).
Ethics & Citizenship
- Technology: K: Ethics & Citizenship
- Advocate and practice safe, responsible use of information and technology
- Discuss and follow classroom rules for responsible use of technology
- Demonstrate responsible use of technological equipment and software as outlined in the acceptable use statement from the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook
- Respect self, other users, and digital property (e.g. plagiarism, cyberbullying, privacy)
- Demonstrate respect for existing desktop configuration and user's properties such as assignments and projects
Creative Use of Tech Technology:
K: Creative Use of Tech
- Use technology as a means to develop innovative products that reflect originality and self-expression
- Explore multimedia tools to create a simple product
Communication & Collaboration
Technology: K: Communication & Collaboration
- Present information and ideas effectively to a variety of audiences
- Understand that multimedia presentations can be used to enhance learning
Research Technology:
K: Research
- Locate, organize, analyze, and cite information from a variety of sources and media
- Explore technology resources in a whole group teacher led activity to gain information on a topic
Tech Operations Technology:
K: Tech Operations
- Understand and operate systems and applications
- Operate input systems (e.g. keyboard, mouse, etc.)
- Log in and log out of systems
- Troubleshoot systems and applications
- Use appropriate terminology (e.g., mouse, keyboard, website, monitor)
- Understand ways to get assistance when something isn’t working
Keyboarding Technology:
K: Keyboarding
- Develop a familiarity with keyboard features (e.g., basic keys, arrow keys, return) and mouse commands (e.g., single/double click)
1st Grade
1st Grade Learning Targets
(K-2) BLT 1 - Responsibility
Manages responsibilities as a student
- BST 1.1 - Use of Class Time : Uses class time appropriately
- BST 1.2 - Preparation : Prepares for class with necessary materials and is ready to learn.
- BST 1.3 - Follows Directions : Follows directions timely and accurately
- BST 1.4 - Quality Work : Demonstrates quality work
- BST 1.5 - Appropriate Choices : Makes safe and appropriate choices
(K-2) BLT 2 - Self Directs Self-directs Learning
- BST 2.1 - Develops a Plan : Develops a plan to achieve goals, with teacher support
- BST 2.2 - Persists with a Task : Persists with a task over time
- BST 2.3 - Variety of Sources : Utilizes a variety of sources to find help BST 2.4 - Advocates for Self : Advocates for self
(K-2) BLT 3 - Group Work
Communicates and works effectively within a team or group
- BST 3.1 - Active Participation : Actively participates in group work
- BST 3.2 - Listening Respectfully : Listens respectfully and acknowledges the contributions of others
- BST 3.3 - Sharing Ideas : Shares ideas clearly BST 3.4 - Safe Environment : Contributes to creating a safe learning environment
- BST 3.5 - Adapts to Changes : Adapts to changes in the group process with a positive attitude
- English Lang Arts
(Writing) ALT 1 - Opinion with a Reason
I can write opinion pieces on a topic or book, stating an opinion with a reason.
- AST 1.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can give a topic or name of a book I am writing about and state an opinion.
- AST 1.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can give a reason for my opinion.
- AST 1.3 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide some sense of closure.
(Writing) ALT 2 - Informative-Explanatory Texts
I can write informative/explanatory texts to name a topic and supply some facts.
- AST 2.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can name a topic.
- AST 2.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can give some facts about the topic.
- AST 2.3 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide some sense of closure.
(Writing) ALT 3 - Narrative
I can write narratives to recount two or more sequenced events, including some details about what happened.
- AST 3.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can recount two or more sequenced events.
- AST 3.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can include some details regarding what happened.
- AST 3.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use temporal words to signal order.
- AST 3.4 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide some sense of closure.
(Language) ALT 4 - Standard English Grammar
I can demonstrate command of standard English grammar when writing or speaking.
- AST 4.1 - Proper, Possessive Nouns : Use common, proper, possessive nouns
- AST 4.2 - Plural Nouns : Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences
- AST 4.3 - Pronouns : Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns
- AST 4.4 - Verbs : Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future
- AST 4.5 - Adjectives : Use frequently occurring adjectives
- AST 4.6 - Conjunctions : Use frequently occurring conjunctions
- AST 4.7 - Determiners : Use determiners
- AST 4.8 - Prepositions : Use frequently occurring prepositions
- AST 4.9 - Complete Sentences : Produce and expand complete simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in response to prompts.
(Language) ALT 5 - Conventions
I can demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- AST 5.1 - Capitalization : Capitalize dates and names of people.
- AST 5.2 - Punctuation : Use end punctuation for sentences.
- AST 5.3 - Commas : Use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series.
- AST 5.4 - Conventional Spelling : Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns, and for frequently occurring irregular words.
- AST 5.5 - Spell Untaught Words : Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.
Fine Arts - Elem Music
Create, Present, and Perform
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
- Technical Skill-1 : Use prior experiences to explore musical elements - beat, tempo, pitch, dynamics, rhythm, melody.
- Technical Skill-2 : Create your own rhythm patterns on a rhythm instrument or use body percussion.
- Technical Skill-3 : Use pitch, dynamics, rhythm and tempo to sing.
- Technical Skill-4 : While singing, listen to match pitch.
- Technical Skill-5 : Explore and properly play instruments, using beat and tempo.
- Technical Skill-6 : Recognize that music has symbols.
- Technical Skill-7 : Follow procedures for using and maintaining materials, equipment and space.
- Creative Process-1 : Use creative thinking to create music.
- Artistic Voice/Comm-1 : Sing a song that communicates an idea or feeling.
- Critique/Evaluation-1 : Tell about one’s own performance.
Aesthetics and Criticism
Respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles, and aesthetic criteria.
- Critical Analysis-1 : Tell how a piece of music communicates an idea or feeling, or what pictures come to your mind.
- Critical Analysis-2 : Recognize classroom instruments by sight or sound.
- Critical Analysis-3 : Identify words that describe music.
- Personal Evaluation-1 : Tell why you like a piece of music.
- Interdisciplinary Relat-1 : Tell when music, dance, drama, or visual art are used together in a piece of art.
- Interdisciplinary Relat-2 : Tell when you notice a connection between music and another subject.
- Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
- Context-1 : Experience music that relates to an event.
- Compare/Contrast-1 : Experience music from another culture or time period.
- Personal Interp-1 : Listen to music that describes a personal experience.
- Personal Interp-2 : Tell how a personal experience connects to music.
- Global/Interdisciplinary Conn-1 : Tell how music is a part of life.
- Global/Interdisciplinary Conn-2 : Tell when music connects with another art form within a culture.
- Influence on Human Experiences/Tech Dev-1 : Tell when music makes a difference in a person’s life.
Fine Arts - Visual Arts
- ALT 1 - Create, Present, Perform
I can apply ideas, techniques and processes in the arts.
- AST 1.1 - Technical Skill : I can create, present and perform works of art by using experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting, and/or performing works of art.
- AST 1.2 - Creative Process : I can apply the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving to the creative process and analyze the influence that choices have on the result.
- AST 1.3 - Artistic Voice-Communication : I can express ideas, moods, and feelings through the arts.
- AST 1.4 - Critique-Evaluation : I can evaluate one’s own work orally and in writing.
- ALT 2 - Aesthetics and Criticism
I can respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic criteria.
- AST 2.1 - Critical Analysis : I can apply critical analysis to works of art.
- AST 2.2 - Personal Evaluation : I can respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences.
- AST 2.3 - Interdisciplinary Relationship : I understand the interrelationships among art forms and between arts and other content areas.
- ALT 3 - Historical and Cultural Perspectives
I can understand the relationship of works of art to their social, historical and cultural contexts, and the influence of the arts on individuals, communities and cultures.
- AST 3.1 - Context : I understand how events and conditions influence the arts.
- AST 3.2 - Compare and Contrast : Distinguish works of art from different societies, time periods and cultures.
- AST 3.3 - Personal Interpretation : Understand how the arts can reflect the environment and personal experiences within a society or culture, and apply to one’s own work.
- AST 3.4 - Global and Interdisciplinary Connections : I understand the place of the arts within, and their influences on, society.
- AST 3.5 - Human Experience and Tech Development : Describe how the arts can influence individuals, communities and cultures.
- ALT 1 - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Health: 1: 1-Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs
- AST 1.1 - Safe Use of Prescription Drugs : I can describe safe use of “over the counter” and prescription drugs. (CC)
- AST 1.2 - Second Hand Smoke : I can identify that secondhand smoke is harmful. (CC)
- ALT 2 - Prevention and Control of Disease
Health: 1: 2-Prevention & Control of Disease
- AST 2.1 - Avoid Contact with Others Blood : I can explain the importance of avoiding contact with others’ blood and other body fluids. (CC)
- AST 2.2 - Proper Personal Health Care : I can demonstrate strategies for proper personal health care. (SM)
- ALT 3 - Environmental Health
Health: 1: 3-Environmental Health
- AST 3.1 - Using Sunscreen : I can explain the importance of using sunscreen. (CC)
ALT 4 - Healthy Eating
Health: 1: 4-Healthy Eating
- AST 4.1 - Eat a Variety of Foods : I can choose a variety of foods to eat from different food groups. (SM,*)
- AST 4.2 - Food Groups in USDA Guidelines : I can examine the food groups in the USDA guidelines and identify examples from each. (AI)
- AST 4.3 - Importance of Drinking Water : I can explain the importance of drinking water instead of high sugar or caffeinated beverages. (CC)
- ALT 5 - Mental, Social and Emotional Health
Health: 1: 5-Mental, Social & Emotional Health
- AST 5.1 - Identify Personal Strengths : I can identify personal strengths. (SM)
- AST 5.2 - Identify Pro-Social Behaviors : I can identify pro-social behaviors (e.g. helping others, being respectful of others, cooperation and consideration). (CC)
- AST 5.3 - Express Deal with Personal Feelings : I can describe appropriate ways to express and deal with personal feelings, wants and needs. (SM)
- AST 5.4 - Identify People to Talk Health Issues : I can identify appropriate people to talk to about mental and emotional health issues, concerns and worries. (AI)
- ALT 6 - Sexual Health
Health: 1: 6-Sexual Health
- AST 6.1 - Identify Safe-Unsafe Touch : I can identify safe, unsafe and confusing touch. (CC)
- AST 6.2 - Use Refusal Skills : I can practice and use refusal skills if someone is touching you inappropriately. (IC,*)
- AST 6.3 - Identify Whom To Talk to : I can identify whom to talk to at school, home, and in the community if someone is touching you inappropriately. (AI,*)
- ALT 7 - Unintentional Injury Prevention
Health: 1: 7-Unintentional Injury Prevention
- AST 7.1 - Traveling to and From School : I can identify safe behaviors when traveling to and from school and in the community. (CC,*)
- AST 7.2 - Report Unsafe Situations : I can identify how to report unsafe situations in the home, school, or community. (AI)
- AST 7.3 - Home Fire Escape Plan : I can develop a home fire escape plan and practice it during the day and night with family. (SM)
- AST 7.4 - Reduce Risk of Injury Around Water : I can identify ways to reduce risk of injury in and around water, power lines, animals, traffic, and natural disasters. (CC)
- AST 7.5 - Name, Address, Phone Number : I can identify and memorize full name, address, and phone number. (AI)
ALT 8 - Violence Prevention
Health: 1: 8-Violence Prevention
- AST 8.1 - Consequences of Actions : I can identify the logical consequences of one’s actions. (SM)
- AST 8.2 - Bullying, Harassment, Teasing : I can identify bullying, harassment and teasing. (CC)
Library and Info Lit
Reading Engagement: 1
- 1-Reading Engagement : 1.1.1 Identify different sections of the library and select reading materials related to personal interests
- 2-Reading Engagement : 1.1.2: Make personal connections with text during shared text experiences
- 3-Reading Engagement : 1.1.3: Share and listen to opinions about reading materials
- 4-Reading Engagement : 1.1.4: Locate and explore early reader books, everybody chapter books and nonfiction
- 5-Reading Engagement : 1.1.5: Recognize the individual style of an author or illustrator
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility: 2
- Social Responsibility : 1.2.1: Understand how to stay safe online by always asking for adult permission and only visiting sites selected by trusted adults
- Social Responsibility : 1.2.2: Explain that print and nonprint works are created by and belong to an author or illustrator
- Social Responsibility : 1.2.3: Identify a fact and opinion with guidance
- Social Responsibility : 1.2.4: Listen to and read a wide range of literature to develop respect for the ideas of others
- Reading Engagement : 1.2.5: Use appropriate volume and behaviors in the library
- Social Responsibility : 1.2.6: Re-shelve unwanted materials appropriately and care for materials responsibly
Info Literacy (Question)
Informational Literacy 3.1 Question
- 1a : 1.3.1.a: Identify and describe the research task for a class project
- 1b : 1.3.1.b: Identify prior knowledge as a class
- 1c : 1.3.1.c: Generate essential research question as a class
- 1d : 1.3.1.d: Brainstorm related topics and supporting questions as a class
Info Literacy (Plan)
Information Literacy: 3.2 Plan
- 2a : 1.3.2.a: Understand the assigned product for a class project
- 2b : 1.3.2.b: Review information needed for a class project
- 2c : 1.3.2.c: Discuss as a class possible print and non-print sources and/or experts to best answer research questions
- 2d : 1.3.2.d: Discuss keywords and search strategies as a class
- 2e : 1.3.2.e: Discuss a research plan as a class
Info Literacy (Gather)
Information Literacy: 3.3 Gather
- 3a : 1.3.3.a: Locate and access print and non-print sources and/or experts as a class
- 3b : 1.3.3.b: Identify and use text features as a class to locate relevant information
- 3c : 1.3.3.c: Begin to differentiate between fact and opinion as a class
- 3d : 1.3.3.d: Record notes from text in drawings and words as a class, including book title
- 3e : 1.3.3.e: Request help to find books on a topic of personal interest or to meet information needs
Info Literacy (Sort)
Information Literacy: 3.4 Sort
- 4a : 1.3.4.a: Begin sorting information for usefulness as a class
- 4b : 1.3.4.b: Sequence collected information as a class
- 4c : 1.3.4.c: Participate in a class review to confirm collected information answers research questions
- 4d : 1.3.4.d: Participate in a class review of the research process plan
Info Literacy (Share) Information Literacy: 3.5 Share
- 5a : 1.3.5.a: Create a class product using the selected information and ideas
- 5b : 1.3.5.b: Develop a final product as a class that demonstrates new knowledge and addresses the essential research question
- 5c : 1.3.5.c: Share learned information with others
- 5d : 1.3.5.d: Share where facts were learned as a class
Info Literacy (Review)
Information Literacy: 3.6 Review
- 6a : 1.3.6.a: Review the research process as a class and discuss a strategy for improvement
- 6b : 1.3.6.b: Review the product as a class and discuss an area for improvement
- 6c : 1.3.6.c Discuss and share feedback as a class about research process used and product created
- Literacy: 1: Reading
- 1-Concepts of Print : Identify letters, words, and sentences.
- 2-Concepts of Print : Match oral word to printed word while recognizing sentence structure.
- 1-Phoemic Awareness : Identify initial, medial, and final sounds in a single syllable word. Count number of sounds in a syllable and count syllables in a word.
- 2-Phoemic Awareness : Identify short vs. long vowels.
- 3-Phoemic Awareness : Blend two to four phonemes into words, and segment single syllable words into sounds
- 4-Phoemic Awareness : Create a series of rhyming words including consonant blends. Add, delete, or change target sounds to change words.
- 1-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Use letter-sound correspondence knowledge to decode words including vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter-sound associations, compound words and contractions.
- 2-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Recognize an increasing bank of high frequency sight words
- 1-Vocabulary : Know root words and inflectional forms.
- 2-Vocabulary : Classify categories of words and use context to understand word meanings.
- 3-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through listening, discussion, and direct teaching of words in literary, informational, and content specific texts.
- 4-Vocabulary : Use vocabulary accurately across the subject areas.
- 1-Fluency : Read aloud unpracticed grade level text at an appropriate rate (40-60 wcpm).
- 1-Comprehension : Retell and sequence main events from beginning to end.
- 2-Comprehension : Answer simple questions based on materials read and describe information gained from text in own words.
- 3-Comprehension : Develop an interpretation of texts using prior knowledge, personal connections, questions, and predictions.
- 4-Comprehension : Distinguish fantasy from realistic texts.
- 1-Reading to Perform a Task : Locate and obtain information from text features and illustrations.
- 2-Reading to Perform a Task : Read and understand one-step directions, signs, and labels.
- 3-Reading to Perform a Task : Alphabetize a list of words by the first letter.
- 1-Und & Using the Reading Process : Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussion.
- 2-Und & Using the Reading Process : Monitor own reading and self correct when meaning breaks down.
- 1-Und-Usg Lit Forms-Genres : Listen to and experience a wide variety of grade-level text including informational publications, reference materials, classic and contemporary literature, and poetry.
Speaking & Listening
Literacy: 1: Speaking & Listening
- 1-Listening : Listen attentively and ask questions.
- 2-Listening : Give, restate and follow simple two step directions.
- 1-Analysis : N/A 1-Speaking : Tell an important experience or story in a simple and logical sequence by answering who, what, where, when, why, and how questions.
- 2-Speaking : Speak clearly and look at your listeners.
- 3-Speaking : Recite, retell, describe, and dramatize.
- ALT 1 - Add-Sub Strategies within 20
I can solve addition and subtraction problems using strategies for addition and subtraction within 20.
- AST 1.1 - Solve Word Problems : I can add and/or subtract to solve word problems using objects, drawings, and equations.
- AST 1.2 - Add-Sub Word Meanings : I can determine which words mean addition and which words mean subtraction.
- AST 1.3 - Word Problems to 20 using 3 numbers : I can solve addition word problems within 20 with 3 numbers using objects, drawings, and equations.
- AST 1.4 - Turn-around Facts : I can use turn-around facts as a strategy to solve addition problems. (ex: 8 3=11 and 3 8=11)
- AST 1.5- Group Numbers : I can use turn-around facts as a strategy to solve addition problems. (ex: 8 3=11 and 3 8=11)
- AST 1.6 - Subtract Numbers : I can subtract numbers like 10-8 by finding what number added to 8 equals 10 (__ 8=10)
- ALT 2 - Add-Sub up to 10 I can add and subtract fluently up to 10.
- AST 2.1 - Solve by Counting Up and Down : I can count up and down to solve addition and subtraction problems.
- AST 2.2 - Counting On Strategy : I can add using the counting on strategy.
- AST 2.3 - Add by Making 10 : I can add by making ten (ex: 8 6=8 2 4=10 4=14).
- AST 2.4 - Subtract by Making 10 : I can subtract by making 10 (13-4=13-3- 1)
- AST 2.5 - Fact Families for Add-Sub : I can use my knowledge of fact families to add and subtract.
- AST 2.6 - Equivalent but Easier Sums : I can create equivalent but easier sums to solve addition problems (ex: 6 7 could be 6 6 1).
- AST 2.7 - Meaning of Equal : I can tell what = (an equal sign) means.
- AST 2.8 - Number Sentence T or F : I can tell if a number sentence is true or false.
- AST 2.9 - Unknown Number to Make True : I can determine the unknown number in a number sentence to make it true (8 __ = 11).
ALT 3 - Count, Read, Write to 120
I can count, read, and write to 120 starting at any number less than 120.
- AST 3.1 - Counting Starting at Less than 120 : I can count by starting at any number less than 120.
- AST 3.2 - Read-Write Numbers to 120 : I can read and write numbers to 120.
ALT 4 - Place Value to 2 Digits
I understand place value up to 2 digit numbers and can use it to compare, add, and subtract within 100.
- AST 4.1 - 10 is a Group 10 Ones : I know that a “ten” is a group of 10 “ones”.
- AST 4.2 - Tens and Ones in a 2-digit Number : I can l which digit represents tens and which digit represents ones in a 2-digit number.
- AST 4.3 - Value of Tens-Ones in a 2-digit Number : I can tell how many tens and how many ones are in a 2-digit number.
- AST 4.4 - Compare Greater, Less, Equal - 2 Digits : I can use , and = to compare two 2-digit numbers.
- AST 4.5 - Adding 2-digit and 1-digit Numbers : I can add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number
- AST 4.6 - 2-digit Number and Mult of 10 : I can add a 2-digit number and a multiple of 10.
- AST 4.7 - Add 2-digit Numbers-Adding 1s, then 10s : I can add two 2- digit numbers by adding the “ones” and then the “tens”.
- AST 4.8 - Carrying from 1s to 10s : I can “carry” from the ones to the tens when I add.
- AST 4.9 - 10 More-10 Less : I can find 10 more and 10 less than a number without counting, and tell how it was done.
- AST 4.10 - Subtract Multiples of 10 : I can subtract multiples of 10 (10-90) from multiples of 10 (10-90) and tell how it was done. (ex: 80-20 is 8 tens -2 tens = 6 tens=60)
- ALT 5 - Measuring Lengths
I can measure the lengths of objects and name the length unit.
- AST 5.1 - 3 Objects in Order : I can put 3 objects in order by length.
- AST 5.2 - Compare Lengths : I can compare the length of two objects using a third object (ex: the string is longer than the pen, but the ribbon is shorter than the pen).
- AST 5.3 - Measuring Using Another Object : I can tell how long something is by measuring with another object.
- AST 5.4 - Measuring End to End : I can measure end to end with no gaps or overlaps.
ALT 6 - Tell and Write Time
I can tell and write time.
- AST 6.1 - Telling Time in-Hours and Half Hours : I can tell and write what time it is in hours and ? hours using digital and analog clocks.
ALT 7 - Understanding Data
I can organize, represent, and interpret data.
- AST 7.1 - Making Graphs with 3 Groups : I can make graphs with three groups.
- AST 7.2 - Data Points : I can tell the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less in one category than another.
ALT 8 - Shapes and Equal Parts
I can build, draw, and describe shapes and break them into equal parts.
- AST 8.1 - Describe Shape using Attributes : I can describe a shape using defining attributes (sides, corners) and non-defining attributes (color, size, orientation).
- AST 8.2 - Using Defining Traits : I can build and draw shapes using defining traits.
- AST 8.3 - Making 2D and 3D into Other Shapes : I can make two- and three-dimensional shapes into other shapes. (ex: use 2 triangles to make a square).
- AST 8.4 - Split Circles-Rectangles in 2-4 parts : I can split circles and rectangles into 2 and 4 equal parts.
- AST 8.5 - Parts of a Circle or Rectangle : I can describe parts of a circle or rectangle using the words “halves”, “fourths”, and “quarters”.
- AST 8.6 - Parts of a Circle or Rectangle-Pt 2 : I can describe parts of a circle or rectangle using the phrases “half of”, “fourth of”, and “quarter of”.
- AST 8.7 - Circle-Rectangle as 2 or 4 Parts : I can describe the whole circle or rectangle as two parts or four parts.
- AST 8.8 - Split up Circle-Rectangle : I understand that when we split up a circle or rectangle into the parts, the more parts we make, the smaller the part will be.
Physical Education
ELT 1 - Expressive Efficient Movement
I can demonstrate motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities and motor skill proficiency in one physical activity
- EST 1.1 - Basic Locomotor Patterns : Demonstrate mature forms of basic locomotor patterns: run, gallop, slide, horizontal jump, hop, leap and skip, starting and stopping on command and in control.
- EST 1.2 - Manipulative Skills : Demonstrate critical elements in manipulative skills: throw, catch, kick and strike.
- EST 1.3 - Balance : I can balance, demonstrating momentary stillness, in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes on a variety of body parts.
- EST 1.4 - Step Patterns : I can demonstrate three different step patterns and combinations of movements into repeatable sequences.
ELT 2 - Fitness For Lifetime I can demonstrate knowledge of a physically active lifestyle
- EST 2.1 - Changes in Body During Exercise : I can identify changes in my body during moderate to vigorous exercise.
ELT 3 - Self-Management Social Behavior I can understand appropriate and positive behavior management (social skills) and respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity.
- EST 3.1 - Identify Rules Procedures Etiquette : I can identify rules, procedures and etiquette in a specified physical activity.
- EST 3.2 - Resolve Conflict : I can identify positive ways to resolve conflict.
Science (SF)
ALT 1 - C-C Physical Properties
I can compare and contrast physical properties and what objects are made of. (Structure and Function: Physical Science)
- AST 1.1 - Identify Objects : I can identify what some objects are made of.
- AST 1.2 - Describe Matter, Solid, Liquid, Gas : I can describe matter as a solid, liquid or gas
- AST 1.3 - Describe Matter, Color, Size, Shape : I can describe matter by its color, size, shape, weight and texture.
- AST 1.4 - Sort Objects : I can sort like and different objects.
- AST 1.5 - Tell How Objects Same, Different : I can tell how objects are the same and/or different.
- AST 1.6 - Identify Ways Matter Can Change : I can identify ways matter can change.
(SF) ALT 2 - C-C Characteristics
I can compare and contrast characteristics among individuals within one plant or animal group. (Structure and Function: Life Science)
- AST 2.1 - Describe Difference Living, Non-Living : I can describe how non-living things are different from living things.
- AST 2.2 - Tell How Characteristics Help Survival : I can tell how characteristics of plants and animals can help survival.
- AST 2.3 - Identify Plants Animals Extinct : I can identify some plants and animals that are extinct.
- AST 2.4 - Tell Physical Characteristics of Plants : I can tell physical characteristics of plants.
- AST 2.5 - Tell Physical Characteristics of Animals : I can tell physical characteristics of animals.
- AST 2.6 - Explain Grow and Change : I can explain ways plants and animals grow and change.
- AST 2.7 - Explain Alike and Different : I can explain how groups of living things are alike and different.
- AST 2.8 - Identify Like Parents : I can identify how plants and animals are like their parents.
(SF) ALT 3 - Examine Character and Properties
I can examine characteristics and physical properties of Earth materials. (Structure and Function: Earth/Space Science)
- AST 3.1 - Tell Living Things on Earth : I can tell that land, water, and living things are found on Earth.
- AST 3.2 - Describe Characteristics Rocks Soil : I can describe the characteristics of rocks and soil.
- AST 3.3 - Explain Ways Earth Changes : I can explain some fast and slow ways Earth changes.
- AST 3.4 - Describe Way Use Natural Resources : I can describe ways people use natural resources.
(IC) ALT 4 - Describe Motion of Objects
I can describe the motion of objects when a force is applied.
- AST 4.1 - Identify Ways Objects Move : I can identify ways objects move, such as: roll, slide, back-and-forth, zig-zag, fast or slow, etc.
- AST 4.2 - Describe Difference Push Pull : I can describe the difference between a push or a pull.
- AST 4.3 - Describe Downward Pull of Gravity : I can describe the downward pull of gravity on objects.
- AST 4.4 - Tell How Magnets Make Objects Move : I can tell how magnets make objects move.
(IC) ALT 5 - Describe Basic Needs
I can describe the basic needs of living things.
- AST 5.1 - Explain Needs Of Living Things : I can explain how living things need air, water, food and space.
- AST 5.2 - Describe Living Things Needs By Location : I can describe what living things need in different locations.
(SI) ALT 6 - Identify Use Tools Make Observation
I can identify and use tools to make careful observations and answer questions about the natural world.
- AST 6.1 - Identify Tools : I can identify tools to make careful observations.
- AST 6.2 - Ask Questions About Natural World : I can ask questions about the observations of the natural world.
- AST 6.3 - Use Tools Answer Questions Natural World : I can use tools to answer questions about the natural world.
(SI) ALT 7- Record Observations
I can record observations with pictures, numbers, or written statements.
- AST 7.1 - Record Observations : I can record observations with pictures, numbers, or words.
- AST 7.2 - Make Observations Collect Data : I can make observations to collect data.
- AST 7.3 - Make Measurements : I can make measurements to collect data.
- AST 7.4 - Use Observations Make Comparisons : I can use observations to make comparisons.
(SI) ALT 8- Describe Why Recording Observations
I can describe why recording accurate observations is important in science.
- AST 8.1 - Tell Importance Record Observations : I can tell why it is important to record careful observations.
(ED) ALT 9 - Identify Basic Tools I can identify basic tools used in engineering design. (Engineering Design)
- AST 9.1 - Identify Tools To Design Build : I can identify tools to design and build things.
(ED) ALT 10 - Demonstrate Designed Structures
I can demonstrate that designed structures have parts that work together to perform a function or job.
- AST 10.1 - Show Parts Work Together : I can show parts of a structure work together to do a job.
(ED) ALT 11 - Show How Tool Used
I can show how tools are used to complete everyday tasks.
- AST 11.1 - Show How Tools Used : I can show how tools are used to complete everyday tasks.
Social Studies
ALT 1 - Cause-Effect Relationship
I can study an issue or problem and identify the cause and effect relationship.
- AST 1.1 - If-Then Statements : I can use “if…then” statements to tell why events occur.
- AST 1.2 - Why Things are Important : I can explain why things (events, symbols, rules) are important.
- AST 1.3 - Ordering Events : I can use temporal words (first, then, last) to order events.
Ethics & Citizenship
Technology: 1: Ethics & Citizenship
- Advocate and practice safe, responsible use of information and technology
- Discuss safety issues and recognize safe practices related to the use of the internet
- Demonstrate responsible use of technological equipment and software as outlined in the acceptable use statement from the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook
- Understand and adhere to ethical and legal use of copyright, licensing, and fair use laws
- Explore and discuss ethical behaviors when using technology
- Respect self, other users, and digital property (e.g. plagiarism, cyberbullying, privacy)
- Demonstrate respect for existing desktop configuration, system preferences and user's properties such as assignments and projects
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Technology: 1: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
- Integrate information with appropriate technology to make informed decisions and solve problems
- Recognize the need for information and formulate questions based on information needs
- Plan and manage tasks to develop solutions and complete projects
- Understand that a project is a series of small parts
Creative Use of Tech Technology: 1:
Creative Use of Tech
- Use technology as a means to develop innovative products that reflect originality and self-expression
- Explore multimedia tools to create an original product
Communicate & Collaborate
Technology: 1: Communicate & Collaborate
- Present information and ideas effectively to a variety of audiences
- Collaborate with classmates and teachers in creating a multimedia presentation to communicate learning to classmates and family
- Effectively collaborate locally and globally
- Recognize that technology helps with communication at home and at school
Technology: 1: Research
- Locate, organize, analyze, and cite information from a variety of sources and media
- Explore and use technology resources in a whole group teacher led activity to gain information on a topic
Tech Operations
Technology: 1: Tech Operations
- Understand and operate systems and applications
- Understand many commands are found in menus and icons
- Troubleshoot systems and applications
- Understand ways to get assistance when something isn’t working
- Store and access documents in different formats from various locations
- Appropriately name, store and retrieve information from designated storage locations
Technology: 1: Keyboarding
- Develop a familiarity with keyboard features (e.g., basic keys, arrow keys, return) and mouse commands (e.g., single/double click)
2nd Grade
2nd Grade Learning Targets
Behavior (K-2) BLT 1 - Responsibility
Manages responsibilities as a student
- BST 1.1 - Use of Class Time : Uses class time appropriately
- BST 1.2 - Preparation : Prepares for class with necessary materials and is ready to learn.
- BST 1.3 - Follows Directions : Follows directions timely and accurately
- BST 1.4 - Quality Work : Demonstrates quality work
- BST 1.5 - Appropriate Choices : Makes safe and appropriate choices
(K-2) BLT 2 - Self Directs
Self-directs Learning
- BST 2.1 - Develops a Plan : Develops a plan to achieve goals, with teacher support
- BST 2.2 - Persists with a Task : Persists with a task over time
- BST 2.3 - Variety of Sources : Utilizes a variety of sources to find help
- BST 2.4 - Advocates for Self : Advocates for self
(K-2) BLT 3 - Group Work
Communicates and works effectively within a team or group
- BST 3.1 - Active Participation : Actively participates in group work
- BST 3.2 - Listening Respectfully : Listens respectfully and acknowledges the contributions of others
- BST 3.3 - Sharing Ideas : Shares ideas clearly
- BST 3.4 - Safe Environment : Contributes to creating a safe learning environment
- BST 3.5 - Adapts to Changes : Adapts to changes in the group process with a positive attitude
English Lang Arts
For READING targets, See Literacy
(Writing) ALT 1 - Opinions
I can write opinion pieces on a topic or book, stating an opinion with supporting reasons.
- AST 1.1 - Introduce and Opinion : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can introduce a topic or book I am writing about and state an opinion.
- AST 1.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can give reasons that support the opinion.
- AST 1.3 - Links and Transitions : I can use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons
- AST 1.4 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a concluding statement or section.
(Writing) ALT 2 - Informative-Explanatory Texts
I can write informative/explanatory texts to introduce a topic and develop points.
- AST 2.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can introduce a topic.
- AST 2.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can use facts and definitions to develop a topic.
- AST 2.3 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a concluding statement or section.
(Writing) ALT 3 - Narrative
I can write narratives to recount a well elaborated event or a short sequence of events including details to describe actions.
- AST 3.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can recount two or more sequenced events.
- AST 3.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can give some details to describe actions, thoughts and feelings.
- AST 3.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use temporal words to signal order.
- AST 3.4 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide some sense of closure.
(Language) ALT 4 - Standard English Grammar
I can demonstrate command of standard English grammar when writing or speaking.
- AST 4.1 - Collective Nouns : Use of collective nouns
- AST 4.2 - Irregular Plural Nouns : Form and use frequently occurring irregular plural nouns (e.g. feet, children, teeth, mice, fish)
- AST 4.3 - Reflexive Pronouns : Use reflexive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves)
- AST 4.4 - Irregular Verbs : Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid, told)
- AST 4.5 - Adjectives and Adverbs : Use adjectives and adverbs and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
- AST 4.6 - Simple and Compound Sentences : Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences.
(Language) ALT 5 - Conventions
I can demonstrate command of conventions of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
- AST 5.1 - Capitalization : Capitalize holidays, product names and geographic names.
- AST 5.2 - Plural Nouns : Use commas in greetings and closings of letters.
- AST 5.3 - Apostrophe : Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives.
- AST 5.4 - Spelling Patterns : Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words.
- AST 5.5 - Reference Materials : Consult reference materials including beginning dictionaries as needed to check and correct spellings.
Fine Arts - Elem Music
Create, Present, and Perform
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
- Technical Skill-1 : Use prior experiences to learn musical elements - beat, tempo, pitch, dynamics, rhythm, melody, form.
- Technical Skill-2 : Create your own body percussion or rhythm instrument pattern.
- Technical Skill-3 : Use pitch, dynamics, rhythm, tempo and tone to sing.
- Technical Skill-4 : While singing, listen to match pitch, using correct posture and tone quality.
- Technical Skill-5 : Explore, identify and play instruments, using beat, tempo, dynamics, and rhythm.
- Technical Skill-6 : Recognize symbols of music: quarter note, eighth note, whole note, half note, quarter rest, staff , treble clef.
- Technical Skill-7 : Follow procedures for using and maintaining materials, equipment and space.
- Creative Process-1 : Use creative thinking and musical skills to create music.
- Artistic Voice/Comm-1 : Perform a piece of music that communicates an idea or feeling.
- Critique/Evaluation-1 : Tell about one’s own performance, using arts vocabulary.
Aesthetics and Criticism
Respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles, and aesthetic criteria.
- Critical Analysis-1 : Identify elements that communicate an idea or feeling in a piece of music, or what pictures come to your mind.
- Critical Analysis-2 : Recognize instrument families by picture and/or sound.
- Critical Analysis-3 : Use arts vocabulary to describe music.
- Personal Evaluation-1 : Identify personal preferences in musical works.
- Interdisciplinary Relat-1 : Identify which art disciplines (music, dance, drama, or visual arts) are used together in a piece of art.
- Interdisciplinary Relat-2 : Tell when you notice a connection between music and another subject.
Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
- Context-1 : Tell when you notice that music relates to an event.
- Compare/Contrast-1 : Identify music that comes from another culture or time period.
- Personal Interp-1 : Discuss when a composer or performer is describing personal experience or his/her environment.
- Personal Interp-2 : Tell how a personal experience connects to music.
- Global and Interdisciplinary Connections-1 : Identify a way that music can be used in everyday life.
- Global and Interdisciplinary Connections-2 : Discuss when art forms connect within a culture or time period.
- Influence on Human Experiences/Tech Dev-1 : Discuss an example of when music influences a person’s life.
Fine Arts - Visual Arts
ALT 1 - Create, Present, Perform
I can apply ideas, techniques and processes in the arts.
- AST 1.1 - Technical Skill : I can create, present and perform works of art by using experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting, and/or performing works of art.
- AST 1.2 - Creative Process : I can apply the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving to the creative process and analyze the influence that choices have on the result.
- AST 1.3 - Artistic Voice-Communication : I can express ideas, moods, and feelings through the arts.
- AST 1.4 - Critique-Evaluation : I can evaluate one’s own work orally and in writing.
ALT 2 - Aesthetics and Criticism
I can respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic criteria.
- AST 2.1 - Critical Analysis : I can apply critical analysis to works of art.
- AST 2.2 - Personal Evaluation : I can respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences.
- AST 2.3 - Interdisciplinary Relationship : I understand the interrelationships among art forms and between arts and other content areas.
ALT 3 - Historical and Cultural Perspectives
I can understand the relationship of works of art to their social, historical and cultural contexts, and the influence of the arts on individuals, communities and cultures.
- AST 3.1 - Context : I understand how events and conditions influence the arts.
- AST 3.2 - Compare and Contrast : Distinguish works of art from different societies, time periods and cultures.
- AST 3.3 - Personal Interpretation : Understand how the arts can reflect the environment and personal experiences within a society or culture, and apply to one’s own work.
- AST 3.4 - Global and Interdisciplinary Connections : I understand the place of the arts within, and their influences on, society.
- AST 3.5 - Human Experience and Tech Development : Describe how the arts can influence individuals, communities and cultures.
ALT 1 - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Health: 2: 1-Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs
- AST 1.1 - ATOD : I can identify that alcohol and tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco are harmful to one’s health. (CC,*)
- AST 1.2 - Secondhand Smoke : I can identify that secondhand smoke is harmful. (CC)
ALT 2 - Prevention and Control of Disease
Health: 2: 2-Prevention & Control of Disease
- AST 2.1 - Avoid Contact with Others Blood : I can explain the importance of avoiding contact with others’ blood and other body fluids. (CC)
- AST 2.2 - Prevent Diseases : I can explain ways to prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases. (CC)
Health: 2: 3-Environmental Health
- ALT 3 - Environmental Health
- AST 3.1 - Environmental Health : N/A
ALT 4 - Healthy Eating
Health: 2: 4-Healthy Eating
- AST 4.1 - Moderation in Food Selection Consumption : I can recognize the importance of variety and moderation in food selection and consumption. (CC,*)
- AST 4.2 - Healthful Eating Habits : I can identify how healthful eating habits can lead to wellness. (CC)
- AST 4.3 - Advertising Strategies : I can describe advertising strategies used to impact our food choices. (INF)
ALT 5 - Mental, Social and Emotional Health
Health: 2: 5-Mental, Social & Emotional Health
- AST 5.1 - Positive Self Image : I can identify qualities that contribute to a positive self-image. (CC)
- AST 5.2 - Positive Communication Skills : I can demonstrate positive communication skills needed to express personal needs, wants, and feelings to family and peers. (IC)
- AST 5.3 - Talk about Mental Emotional Health : I can identify appropriate people to talk to about mental and emotional health issues, concerns and worries. (AI)
ALT 6 - Sexual Health
Health: 2: 6-Sexual Health
- AST 6.1 - Refusal Skills : I can practice and use refusal skills if someone is touching you inappropriately. (IC,*)
- AST 6.2 - Inappropriate Touching : i can identify whom to talk to at school, home and in the community if someone is touching you inappropriately. (AI,*)
ALT 7 - Unintentional Injury Prevention
Health: 2: 7-Unintentional Injury Prevention
- AST 7.1 - Responsible Use of 911 : I can demonstrate the responsible use of 911, poison control, and other emergency numbers and provide appropriate information. (AI)
- AST 7.2 - Safe Meeting Place - Disaster : I can use the decision-making process to identify safe locations and meeting places at school and at home in the event of an emergency or disaster. (DM)
- AST 7.3 - Unsafe Object : I can identify whom to talk to at school, home, and in the community if you see an unsafe object. (AI)
ALT 8 - Violence Prevention
Health: 2: 8-Violence Prevention
- AST 8.1 - Media Contains Violent Messages : I can identify that media contains violent messages. (CC,*)
- AST 8.2 - Steps of Problem Solving : I can demonstrate the steps of problem solving, anger management and impulse control. (SM)
- AST 8.3 - Assertiveness Anger Management : I can demonstrate assertiveness and anger management. (IC)
- AST 8.4 - Recognize Diversity : I can recognize diversity among people. (CC)
Library and Info Lit
Reading Engagement
Reading Engagement: 1
- Reading Engagement : 2.1.1 Begin to use library catalog to locate books and use a self-check method to select books at the appropriate reading level
- Reading Engagement : 2.1.2: Make and share text to self and text to text connections
- Reading Engagement : 2.1.3: Share opinions and seek recommendations for reading materials
- Reading Engagement : 2.1.4: Select materials from nonfiction and various fiction areas for learning and enjoyment and recognize that different topics in nonfiction are organized by subject
- Reading Engagement : 2.1.5: Recognize and describe the individual style of an author or illustrator
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility: 2
- Social Responsibility : 2.2.1: Understand that personal information should not be given out online without permission of a "trusted adult" and describe procedures for exiting inappropriate sites
- Social Responsibility : 2.2.2: Explain that print and nonprint works are created by and belong to an author, illustrator or publisher
- Social Responsibility : 2.2.3: Explain differences between fact and opinion
- Social Responsibility : 2.2.4: Listen to and read a wide range of literature to develop respect for the ideas of others
- Social Responsibility : 2.2.5: Demonstrate consideration of others by using appropriate volume and behaviors in the library
- Social Responsibility : 2.2.6: Demonstrate care with all library materials and equipment, return them on time and take responsibility for damaged or lost materials
Info Literacy (Question)
Information Literacy: 3.1 Question
- 1a : 2.3.1.a: Identify and describe the research task
- 1b: 2.3.1.b: Identify and record prior knowledge 1c : 2.3.
- 1.c: Generate essential research question with guidance
- 1d : 2.3.1.d: List related topics and supporting questions with modeling
- Info Literacy (Plan)
Information Literacy: 3.2 Plan
- 2a : 2.3.2.a: Understand the assigned product
- 2b : 2.3.2.b: Review information needed with modeling, considering end product and audience
- 2c : 2.3.2.c: List possible print and non-print sources and/or experts with modeling to best answer research questions
- 2d : 2.3.2.d: Identify keywords and search strategies with modeling
- 2e : 2.3.2.e Follow a research plan and timeline
Info Literacy (Gather)
Information Literacy: 3.3 Gather
- 3a : 2.3.3.a Locate and access print and non-print sources and/or experts with modeling and guidance
- 3b : 2.3.3.b: Identify and use text features with modeling to locate relevant information
- 3c : 2.3.3.c: Differentiate between fact and opinion with modeling
- 3d : 2.3.3.d: Record notes from text and include title and author of book with modeling and guidance
- 3e : 2.3.3.e: Request help to find books or use electronic sources of information Info Literacy (Sort)
Information Literacy: 3.4 Sort
- 4a : 2.3.4.a: Sort information for usefulness with modeling
- 4b : 2.3.4.b: Use sequencing, webbing or other strategies to organize and integrate useful information with modeling
- 4c : 2.3.4.c: Participate in a guided review to confirm collected information answers research questions
- 4d : 2.3.4.d: Participate in a guided review of the research process plan
Info Literacy (Share)
Information Literacy: 3.5 (Share)
- 5a : 2.3.5.a: Create an original product with modeling using the selected information and ideas
- 5b : 2.3.5.b: Design and develop a final product with guidance that demonstrates new knowledge and addresses the essential research question
- 5c : 2.3.5.c: Share learned information with others
- 5d : 2.3.5.d: Share where facts were learned
Info Literacy (Review)
Information Literacy: 3.6 Review
- 6a : 2.3.6.a: Review the research process and identify strategies for improvement with modeling
- 6b : 2.3.6.b: Review the product and identify an area for improvement with modeling
- 6c : 2.3.6.c: Gather feedback about the research process used and product created from others with modeling and respond appropriately
Literacy: 2: Reading
- 1-Concepts of Print : Recognize print conventions: font, italic, and bold.
- 2-Concepts of Print : Recognize the use of internal punctuation.
- 1-Phoemic Awareness : Demonstrate understanding of syllabication with multi-syllabic words.
- 1-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Use letter-sound correspondence and knowledge of spelling patterns to decode unfamiliar words.
- 2-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Recognize an increasing bank of high frequency sight words.
- 1-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through word study: roots, prefixes/suffixes, antonyms/synonyms, contractions, multiple-meaning words.
- 2-Vocabulary : Use context to identify simple, multiple-meaning words.
- 3-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through listening, discussion, and direct teaching of words in literary, informational, and content specific texts.
- 4-Vocabulary : Use vocabulary accurately across the subject areas.
- 1-Fluency : Read aloud unpracticed grade level text at an appropriate rate (90-100 wcpm) with intonation and expression.
- 1-Comprehension : Recall and retell the sequence, plot, setting, characters, facts, and details to clarify and organize ideas.
- 2-Comprehension : Read texts for answers to specific questions or for specific purposes.
- 3-Comprehension : Develop an interpretation of texts using predictions, varied connections (life experience, texts, world), questions with possible answers, and cause/effect.
- 4-Comprehension : Compare and contrast information and literary elements/devices across selections.
- 5-Comprehension : Take part in creative responses to text such as dramatizations and oral presentations.
- 1-Reading to Perform a Task : Locate and interpret information from diagrams, charts, graphs, titles, table of contents, and chapter headings.
- 2-Reading to Perform a Task : Read and understand two-step written directions, signs, captions, labels, and informational texts.
- 3-Reading to Perform a Task : Alphabetize a list of words to the second letter.
- 1-Und & Using the Reading Process : Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussion.
- 2-Und & Using the Reading Process : Monitor comprehension and draw upon a variety of strategies as needed to strengthen understanding and clarify when meaning breaks down.
- 1-Und-Usg Lit Forms-Genres : Listen to and experience a wide variety of grade-level text including informational publications, reference materials, classic and contemporary literature, and poetry.
Speaking & Listening
Literacy: 2: Speaking & Listening
- 1-Listening : Determine the purposes for listening. Ask for clarification and explanations.
- 2-Listening : Give and follow three and four step oral directions.
- 3-Listening : Retell in own words information that has been shared orally by others.
- 1-Analysis : N/A
- 1-Speaking : With guidance, organize and present on a topic or experience with supportive facts and details.
- 2-Speaking : Speak clearly and look at your listeners. Speak at an appropriate pace.
- 3-Speaking : Retell stories in own words including characters, setting and plot.
(OAT) ALT 1 - Solve Add - Subtract Problems up to 100
I can solve addition and subtraction problems within and up to 100 using one and two-step problems.
- AST 1.1 - Solve Word Problems with Unknowns : I can solve word problems with unknowns in all positions (5 7=?, 5 ?=12, ? 7=12) using strategies like: adding to (5 2=? count 5, 6, 7) taking from (16-7=?) putting together (5 2=?) taking apart (16 7=? 10 6 7) comparing (she has 7, I have 3, I have 4 less than she does)
(OAT) ALT 2 - Mental Math Strategies to 20
I can use mental math strategies to fluently add and subtract within 20.
- AST 2.1 - Mental Math to Add-Sub to 20 : I can use mental strategies to add and subtract within 20 with fluency.
- AST 2.2 - Add 1-digit Numbers from Memory : I can add all one-digit numbers from memory.
(OAT) ALT 3 - Equal Groups - Repeated Addition
I can work with equal groups of objects and use repeated addition to find the number of objects in a rectangular array.
- AST 3.1 - Count by 2s for Even or Odd : I can pair objects (up to 20) or count them by 2s to see if a group is even or odd.
- AST 3.2 - Even Numbers are Sum of Same Addends : I can show that an even number is a sum of 2 equal addends (5 5).
(NOBT) ALT 4 - Place Value to 1,000
I can use my understanding of place value to solve addition and subtraction problems numbers within 1,000 and explain how my strategy works.
- AST 4.1 - ID Place Value of 3-digit Number : I can identify the place values of a 3-digit number (452 = 4 hundreds, 5 tens, 2 ones).
- AST 4.2 - Skip Count by 5, 10, 100 : I can skip count by 5s, 10s and 100s.
- AST 4.3 - Read and Write Numbers : I can read and write a number using: base-ten numerals (46) number names (forty six) expanded form (40 6)
- AST 4.4 - Greater, Less, Equal - 3-digit Numbers : I can use or = to compare two 3-digit numbers (562 > 412).
(MD) ALT 5 - Measure and Compare Length
I can estimate, measure and compare the length of objects by selecting and using appropriate tools and units.
- AST 5.1 - Using 2 Different Units of Measurement : I can measure the length of an object using two different units of measurement. (18in, 1.5 feet)
- AST 5.2 - Differences in Units of Measure : I can describe how different units of measurements compare. (6 inches=1/2 foot)
- AST 5.3 - Estimating Length : I can estimate the length of an object using inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
- AST 5.4 - Using Standard Unit of Length : I can measure how much longer one object is than another using a standard unit of length.
(MD) ALT 6 - Word Problems to 100
I can solve word problems involving units of length within 100 by using a number line or other representation.
- AST 6.1 - Story Problems Involving Length : I can use drawings and equations to solve addition and subtraction story problems involving length.
- AST 6.2 - Creating a Number Line : I can create a number line.
- AST 6.3 - Number Lines for Sums-Differences to 100 : I can use a number line to show sums and differences within 100.
- (MD) ALT 7 - Telling Time Within 5 Min
I can tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes.
- AST 7.1 - Telling Time-Analog Clock : I can tell and write time using an analog clock to the nearest 5 minutes.
- AST 7.2 - Telling Time-Digital Clock : I can tell and write time using a digital clock.
- AST 7.3 - Using AM and PM : I can tell time using a.m. and p.m. (MD)
ALT 8 - Word Problems Using $ and ?
I can solve word problems involving dollars and cents.
- AST 8.1 - Problems Using dollars ($) and cents (?) : I can solve word problems involving dollar bills ($) and cents (?). (MD)
ALT 9 - Line Plot, Bar Graph, Pictograph
I can create and utilize information for a line plot, bar graph and pictograph.
- AST 9.1 - Data and Line Plot Measurement : I can use measurements to create data for a line plot.
- AST 9.2 - Create a Picture and Bar Graph : I can create a picture graph and bar graph with up to four categories.
- AST 9.3 - Using Info from Graphs : I can use information from a picture graph, bar graph or line plot to solve simple addition, subtraction and comparing problems. (GEO)
ALT 10 - 3D Shapes and Attributes
I can draw and identify polygons and 3-D shapes based on their attributes.
- AST 10.1 - Draw and Name 2D-3D Shapes : I can draw and name 2-D and 3-D shapes
- AST 10.2 - Draw Various Geometrical Shapes : I can identify and draw triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and cubes.
- AST 10.3 - Drawing Based on Attributes : I can identify and draw a shape based on given attributes (faces, angles, etc.). (GEO)
ALT 11 - Using Fraction Language
I can break apart circles and rectangles into equal part and describe them in fraction language.
- AST 11.1 - Break Apart a Rectangle : I can break apart a rectangle into square units and count the total.
- AST 11.2 - Circles-Rectangles in 2, 3, 4 Equal Parts : I can break circles and rectangles in to 2, 3 and 4 equal parts and name them using fraction language.
- AST 11.3 - Describing Fractions : I can describe fractions for their parts (halves, thirds, fourths) and wholes (two halves, three thirds, four fourths).
- AST 11.4 - Equal Shares of 2 Polygons : I can show that equal shares of two identical polygons do not have to be the same shape. (A square can be divided into fourths by 4 squares or 4 rectangles).
Physical Education
ELT 1 - Expressive Efficient Movement
I can demonstrate motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities and motor skill proficiency in one physical activity
- EST 1.1 - Basic Locomotor Patterns : Demonstrate mature forms of basic locomotor patterns: run, gallop, slide, horizontal jump, hop, leap and skip, starting and stopping on command and in control.
- EST 1.2 - Manipulative Skills : Demonstrate critical elements in manipulative skills: throw, catch, kick and strike.
- EST 1.3 - Balance : I can balance, demonstrating momentary stillness, in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes on a variety of body parts.
- EST 1.4 - Step Patterns : I can demonstrate three different step patterns and combinations of movements into repeatable sequences.
ELT 2 - Fitness For Lifetime
I can demonstrate knowledge of a physically active lifestyle
- EST 2.1 - Changes in Body During Exercise : I can identify changes in my body during moderate to vigorous exercise.
ELT 3 - Self-Management Social Behavior
I can understand appropriate and positive behavior management (social skills) and respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity.
- EST 3.1 - Identify Rules Procedures Etiquette : I can identify rules, procedures and etiquette in a specified physical activity.
- EST 3.2 - Resolve Conflict : I can identify positive ways to resolve conflict. Science (SF)
ALT 1 - C-C Characteristics Environments
I can compare and contrast characteristics and behaviors of plants and animals and the environments where they live.
(Structure and Function: Life Science)
- AST 1.1 - List Characteristics of Plants : I can list the characteristics of a plant, including what they need in order to survive.
- AST 1.2 - Label Parts of Plant : I can label the parts of a plant.
- AST 1.3 - Describe Characteristics of Plant : I can describe characteristics of different plants.
- AST 1.4 - Describe Characteristics of Animals : I can describe characteristics of different animals.
- AST 1.5 - Describe How Animals Sense Danger : I can describe how animals sense, predict and respond to danger.
- AST 1.6 - Explain Behavior of Animals : I can explain the behavior of animals in different environments. (Note: For common animals such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, and humans).
- AST 1.7 - Explain Behavior of Plants : I can explain the behavior of plants in response to changes in their environment in terms of growing, wilting, leaning towards the sun, and sedentary.
- AST 1.8 - C-C Two Plants Two Animals : I can compare and contrast two plants and/or two animals based on physical, environmental or behavioral characteristics. (IC)
ALT 2 - C-C Respond to Magnet Forces
I can compare and contrast how objects and materials respond to magnetic forces.
(Interaction and Change: Physical Science)
- AST 2.1 - Define Attract Repel : I can define attract and repel.
- AST 2.2 - Identify Objects Attracted to Magnets : I can identify objects that are attracted to magnets.
- AST 2.3 - Demonstrate Magnets Push Pull : I can demonstrate that magnets can push or pull some metal objects without touching them.
- AST 2.4 - Explain Opposite Poles Attract : I can explain why the north and south poles of magnets are attracted to each other. (Opposite poles attract each other; like poles repel each other). (IC)
ALT 3 - C-C Describe Life Cycles
I can describe life cycles of plants and animals.
(Interaction and Change: Life Science)
- AST 3.1 - Explain S-I of Plants : I can explain, sequence and identify the life cycle of different types of plants.
- AST 3.2 - Explain S-I of a Mammal : I can explain, sequence and identify the life cycle of a mammal.
- AST 3.3 - Explain S-I of Insects : I can explain, sequence and identify the life cycle of insects.
- AST 3.4 - Explain S-I of an Amphibian : I can explain, sequence and identify the life cycle of an amphibian. (IC)
ALT 4 - Observe and Record Patterns
I can observe and record the patterns of the apparent movement of the sun and the moon. (Interaction and Change: Earth/Space Science)
- AST 4.1 - Observe Record Shape of Moon : I can observe and record how the shape of the moon appears to change during the month.
- AST 4.2 - Observe Record Location of Sun : I can observe and record the location of the sun in the sky at different times of day.
- AST 4.3 - Compare Movement Sun and Moon : I can compare the movement of the moon in the sky and the movement of the sun in the sky. (IC)
ALT 5 - Record and Summarize Temperatures
I can record and summarize daily and seasonal temperature changes.
(Interaction and Change: Earth/Space Science)
- AST 5.1 - Describe Temperature Locate Seasons : I can describe the temperature in different locations and seasons.
- AST 5.2 - Measure Temps Using Thermometer : I can measure the temperature in different locations and seasons using a thermometer.
- AST 5.3 - Use Data Summarize Temp Change : I can use data to summarize temperature changes. (SI)
ALT 6 - Observe Measure and Record
I can observe, measure and record properties of objects and substances using simple tools to gather data and extend the senses.
(Science Inquiry)
- AST 6.1 - Observe Record Properties : I can observe and record (draw, label, write) properties of objects.
- AST 6.2 - Measure Properties Using Tools : I can measure properties of objects and substances using different measuring tools (ruler, magnifying glass, measuring cup, scale).
- AST 6.3 - Give Description Using Senses : I can give detailed description of objects and substances using the senses. (SI)
ALT 7 - Make Predictions Based on Patterns
I can make predictions about living and non-living things and events in the environment based on observed patterns.
(Science Inquiry)
- AST 7.1 - Observe Identify Record Patterns : I can observe, identify, and record patterns
- AST 7.2 - Make Predictions Living NonLiving : I can make predictions about living and non-living things.
- AST 7.3 - Use Patterns Make Predictions : I can use observed patterns to make predictions of events in the environment. (SI)
ALT 8- Describe Observations Organize Data
I can describe and compare observations and organize recorded data.
(Science Inquiry)
- AST 8.1 - Describe Observations : I can describe (by drawing, labeling, writing) observations.
- AST 8.2 - Compare Observations : I can compare observations.
- AST 8.3 - Organize Data : I can organize data in a teacher-directed format. (Bar-graph, table, tally chart) (ED)
ALT 9 - Use Tools Construct Structure
I can use tools to construct a simple designed structure out of common objects and materials.
(Engineering Design)
- AST 9.1 - Use Tools Build Structure : I can use simple tools (stapler, scissors, straight edge) to build a teacher-directed structure out of common objects and materials. (Paper, straws, toothpicks, marshmallows, cardboard, etc.)
- AST 9.2 - Plan Build Structure : I can plan and build a simple structure using common objects. (ED)
ALT 10 - Work With Team Design Structure
I can work with a team to complete a designed structure that can be shared with others. (Engineering Design)
- AST 10.1 - Work With Team Design Structure : I can work with others in a team to come up with ideas for one structure design.
- AST 10.2 - Cooperate With Team : I can cooperate with others in a team to complete together one structure that can be shared with others. (ED)
ALT 11 - Describe Engineering Design
I can describe an engineering design that is used to solve a problem or address a need. (Engineering Design)
- AST 11.1 - Identify Problem : I can identify a problem or a need that can be solved with engineering design.
- AST 11.2 - Describe ED Solved Problem : I can describe how the engineering design solved the problem or addressed the need.
Social Studies
ALT 1 - Connecting Historical Events
I can describe the connection between and the importance of Two or more current or historical events.
- AST 1.1 - Difference Between Past and Present : I can understand the difference between past and present.
- AST 1.2 - Importance of Events : I can explain why an event is important.
- AST 1.3 - Relevant and Less Relevant Info : I can distinguish between relevant and less relevant information.
ALT 2 - Compare-Contrast Past and Present
I can compare and contrast past and present situations, people, social structures, and events in neighborhoods and communities.
- AST 2.1 - Celebrations, Traditions, Symbols : I can explain why various celebrations, traditions, and symbols are important to a community. Example of Cause - Effect
- AST 2.2 : I can identify and give examples of cause and effect.
- AST 2.3 - Social Structures, Leaders and Impact : I can identify social structures and leaders and their impacts on the local community.
- AST 2.4 - Compare and Contrast Methods : I can compare and contrast using a variety of methods.
ALT 3 - Locate and Evaluate
I can locate and evaluate information relating to an issue or problem.
- AST 3.1 - Using Maps to Locate : I can use maps to locate information.
- AST 3.2 - Saving : I can understand how saving can help to reach financial goals.
- AST 3.3 - Conflict, Justice, General Welfare : I can explain and evaluate how people manage conflict, promote justice and general welfare.
Technology Ethics & Citizenship Technology: 2:
Ethics & Citizenship
- Advocate and practice safe, responsible use of information and technology
- Use safe practices related to the internet including protecting passwords and personal information
- Demonstrate responsible use of technological equipment and software as outlined in the acceptable use statement from the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook
- Understand and adhere to ethical and legal use of copyright, licensing, and fair use laws
- Explore and discuss ethical behaviors when using technology
- Respect self, other users, and digital property (e.g. plagiarism, cyberbullying, privacy)
- Demonstrate respect for existing desktop configuration, system preferences and user's properties such as assignments, projects and information storage systems
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Technology: 2:
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
- Integrate information with appropriate technology to make informed decisions and solve problems
- Recognize the need for information and formulate questions based on information needs
- Plan and manage tasks to develop solutions and complete projects
- Identify the steps of a project
Creative Use of Tech Technology: 2:
Creative Use of Tech
- Use technology as a means to develop innovative products that reflect originality and self-expression
- Use multimedia tools to create an original product
Communicate & Collaborate Technology: 2:
Communicate & Collaborate
- Present information and ideas effectively to a variety of audiences
- Create a simple document with more than one media element to communicate learning
- Identify design elements that contribute to an effective presentation for target audiences
- Effectively collaborate locally and globally
- Recognize that technology helps with communication at home and at school
Research Technology: 2:
- Locate, organize, analyze, and cite information from a variety of sources and media
- Explore and use technology resources from a teacher selected list to gain information on a topic
- Understand that information found on websites has ownership rights
Tech Operations Technology: 2:
Tech Operations
- Understand and operate systems and applications
- Use an application for a specific purpose
- Troubleshoot systems and applications
- Use peer assistance and teacher directed strategies to solve hardware and software problems
- Store and access documents in different formats from various locations
- Appropriately name, store and retrieve from online information storage
Keyboarding Technology: 2:
- Develop a familiarity with keyboard features (e.g., basic keys, arrow keys, return) and mouse commands (e.g., single/double click)
3rd Grade
3rd Grade Learning Targets
(3-5) BLT 1 - Responsibility
Manages responsibilities as a student
BST 1.1 - Use of Class Time : Uses class time appropriately.
BST 1.2 - Preparation : Prepares for class with necessary materials and is ready to learn
BST 1.3 - Follows Directions : Follows directions timely and accurately
BST 1.4 - Quality Work : Demonstrates quality work
BST 1.5 - Breaks Down Tasks : Breaks down large tasks into smaller, manageable parts
BST 1.6 - Organization System : Uses a system for organizing assignments
BST 1.7 - Safety : Makes safe and appropriate choices (3-5) BLT 2 - Self Directs
Self-directs Learning
BST 2.1 - Use of Rubrics : Uses rubrics to accurately assess progress toward learning targets
BST 2.2 - Plan to Achieve Goals : Develops a plan to achieve goals, with teacher support
BST 2.3 - Persists : Persists with a task over time
BST 2.4 - Finds Help : Utilizes a variety of sources to find help
BST 2.5 - Advocates for Self : Advocates for self (3-5) BLT 3 - Group Wor
Communicates and works effectively within a team or group
BST 3.2 - Listening Respectfully : Listens respectfully and acknowledges the contributions of others.
BST 3.1 - Active Particpation : Actively participates in group work
BST 3.3 - Sharing Ideas : Shares ideas clearly
BST 3.4 - Safe Environment : Contributes to creating a safe learning environment
BST 3.5 - Adapts to Changes : Adapts to changes in the group process with a positive attitude
BST 3.6 - Respect : Respects different points of view
English Lang Arts
(Writing) ALT 1 - Opinion with Supporting Reasons
I can write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
AST 1.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational
Structure: I can introduce a topic or text I am writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.
AST 1.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can provide reasons that support the opinion.
AST 1.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect my opinion and reasons.
AST 1.4 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a concluding statement or section.
(Writing) ALT 2 - Informative-Explanatory Texts
I can write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
AST 2.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational
Structure: I can introduce a topic and group related information and include illustrations when useful.
AST 2.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can use facts, definitions, and details to develop a topic.
AST 2.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use linking words and phrases to connect ideas (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) within categories.
AST 2.4 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a concluding statement or section.
(Writing) ALT 3 - Narrative
I can write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using descriptive details and clear sequences.
AST 3.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can establish a situation, introduce a narrator and/or characters, and organize an event sequence.
AST 3.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop events or show response of characters to situations.
AST 3.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use temporal words and phrases to signal event order.
AST 3.4 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a sense of closure.
(Language) ALT 4 - Standard English Grammar
I can demonstrate command of standard English grammar when writing or speaking.
AST 4.1 - Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns : Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns
AST 4.2 - Abstract Nouns : Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood)
AST 4.3 - Regular-Irregular Verbs : Form and use regular and irregular verbs
AST 4.4 - Simple Verb Tense : Form and use simple verb tenses (e.g., I
walked; I walk: I will walk)
AST 4.5 - Subject-verb Agreement : Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement
AST 4.6 - Comparative-Superlative Adverb-Adjective : Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
AST 4.7 - Conjunctions : Use coordinating (and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so) and subordinating (e.g. after, unless, since) conjunctions
AST 4.8 - Sentences : Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences
(Language) ALT 5 - Conventions
I can demonstrate command of conventions of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
AST 5.1 - Capitalization of Titles : Capitalize appropriate words in titles
AST 5.2 -Commas in Addresses : Use commas in addresses
AST 5.3 - Commas and Quotation Marks : Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue
AST 5.4 - Possessives : Form and use possessives
AST 5.5 - Conventional Spelling : Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness).
AST 5.6 - Spelling Patterns : Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful words parts) in writing words.
AST 5.7 - Reference Materials : Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings.
Fine Arts - Elem Music
Create, Present, and Perform
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
Technical Skill-1 : Use prior experiences to learn musical elements - beat, tempo, pitch, dynamics, rhythm, melody, harmony, form.
Technical Skill-2 : Create your own rhythmic or melodic patterns on an instrument.
Technical Skill-3 : Use pitch, dynamics, rhythm, tempo, tone, and phrasing to sing.
Technical Skill-4 : While singing, listen to match pitch, use correct posture and tone quality, and respond to the cues of a conductor.
Technical Skill-5 : Explore, identify and play instruments, using beat, tempo, dynamics, rhythm, and melody.
Technical Skill-6 : Recognize symbols of music: quarter note, eighth note, whole note, half note, dotted half note, quarter rest, sta! , treble clef, dynamic markings.
Technical Skill-7 : Follow procedures for using and maintaining materials, equipment and space.
Creative Process-1 : Use creative thinking, musical skills and problem solving skills to create music and discuss choices made.
Artistic Voice/Comm-1 : Create or perform music that communicates an idea, feeling, or mood.
Critique/Evaluation-1 : Describe one’s own performance, using arts vocabulary.
Aesthetics and Criticism
Respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles, and aesthetic criteria.
Critical Analysis-1 : Identify elements and organization that communicate an idea, feeling, or mood in a piece of music.
Critical Analysis-2 : Identify instruments and instrument families by picture and sound.
Critical Analysis-3 : Use arts vocabulary to describe a music performance.
Personal Evaluation-1 : Describe personal preferences in musical works and styles.
Interdisciplinary Relat-1 : Identify which art disciplines (music, dance, drama, or visual arts) are used together in a piece of art.
Interdisciplinary Relat-2 : Identify how music connects with other school subjects.
Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
Context-1 : Identify music that relates to a world experience or event.
Compare/Contrast-1 : Identify music that comes from another culture or time period.
Personal Interp-1 : Tell how a composer or performer is describing personal experience or his/her environment.
Personal Interp-2 : Tell how a personal experience connects to music.
Global/Interdisciplinary Conn-1 : Describe various uses of music in everyday life.
Global/Interdisciplinary Conn-2 : Identify how art forms connect within a culture or time period.
Influence Human Experience/Tech Dev-1 : Discuss an example of how music influences a person’s life.
Fine Arts - Visual Arts
ALT 1 - Create, Present, Perform
I can apply ideas, techniques and processes in the arts.
AST 1.1 - Technical Skill : I can create, present and perform works of art by using experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting, and/or performing works of art.
AST 1.2 - Creative Process : I can apply the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving to the creative process and analyze the infl uence that choices have on the result.
AST 1.3 - Artistic Voice-Communication : I can express ideas, moods, and feelings through the arts.
AST 1.4 - Critique-Evaluation : I can evaluate one’s own work orally and in writing.
ALT 2 - Aesthetics and Criticism
I can respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic criteria.
AST 2.1 - Critical Analysis : I can apply critical analysis to works of art.
AST 2.2 - Personal Evaluation : I can respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences.
AST 2.3 - Interdisciplinary Relationship : I understand the interrelationships among art forms and between arts and other content areas.
ALT 3 - Historical and Cultural Perspectives
I can understand the relationship of works of art to their social, historical and cultural contexts, and the influence of the arts on individuals, communities and cultures.
AST 3.1 - Context : I understand how events and conditions influence the arts.
AST 3.2 - Compare and Contrast : Distinguish works of art from different societies, time periods and cultures.
AST 3.3 - Personal Interpretation : Understand how the arts can reflect the environment and personal experiences within a society or culture, and apply to one’s own work.
AST 3.4 - Global and Interdisciplinary Connections : I understand the place of the arts within, and their influences on, society.
AST 3.5 - Human Experience and Tech Development : Describe how the arts can influence individuals, communities and cultures.
Fine Arts - Visual Arts
ALT 1 - Create, Present, Perform
I can apply ideas, techniques and processes in the arts.
AST 1.1 - Technical Skill : I can create, present and perform works of art by using experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting, and/or performing works of art.
AST 1.2 - Creative Process : I can apply the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving to the creative process and analyze the infl uence that choices have on the result.
AST 1.3 - Artistic Voice-Communication : I can express ideas, moods, and feelings through the arts.
AST 1.4 - Critique-Evaluation : I can evaluate one’s own work orally and in writing.
ALT 2 - Aesthetics and Criticism
I can respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic criteria.
AST 2.1 - Critical Analysis : I can apply critical analysis to works of art.
AST 2.2 - Personal Evaluation : I can respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences.
AST 2.3 - Interdisciplinary Relationship : I understand the interrelationships among art forms and between arts and other content areas.
ALT 3 - Historical and Cultural Perspectives
I can understand the relationship of works of art to their social, historical and cultural contexts, and the influence of the arts on individuals, communities and cultures.
AST 3.1 - Context : I understand how events and conditions influence the arts.
AST 3.2 - Compare and Contrast : Distinguish works of art from different societies, time periods and cultures.
AST 3.3 - Personal Interpretation : Understand how the arts can reflect the environment and personal experiences within a society or culture, and apply to one’s own work.
AST 3.4 - Global and Interdisciplinary Connections : I understand the place of the arts within, and their influences on, society.
AST 3.5 - Human Experience and Tech Development : Describe how the arts can infl uence individuals, communities and cultures.
ALT 1 - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Health: 3: 1-Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs
AST 1.1 - Refusal Skills ATOD : I can demonstrate refusal skills around the use of tobacco products and alcohol. (IC,*)
AST 1.2 - Influences to Abstain ATOD : I can recognize influences that persuade young people to abstain from alcohol and tobacco. (INF)
AST 1.3 - Dispense Medications : I can name an appropriate person in the school community to dispense medications. (AI)
ALT 2 - Prevention and Control of Disease
Health: 3: 2-Prevention & Control of Disease
AST 2.1 - Avoid Contact with Others Blood : I can explain the importance of avoiding contact with others’ blood and other body fluids. (CC)
AST 2.2 - Prevent Diseases : I can develop personal goals to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. (GS)
ALT 3 - Environmental Health
Health: 3: 3-Environmental Health
AST 3.1 - Harm Vision and Hearing : I can identify situations that might harm vision and hearing. (CC)
ALT 4 - Healthy Eating
Health: 3: 4-Healthy Eating
AST 4.1 - Advocate For Fruits and Vegetables : I can advocate for more fruits and vegetables at school. (AV,*)
AST 4.2 - Impact of Advertising : I can distinguish the impact of advertising has on food choices. (CC)
AST 4.3 - Healthy Snacks : I can prepare and choose healthy snacks. (SM)
ALT 5 - Mental, Social and Emotional Health
Health: 3: 5-Mental, Social & Emotional Health
AST 5.1 - Internal External Influences Emotions : I can identify internal and external influences on emotions and feelings. (INF)
AST 5.2 - Identify Source of Stress : I can identify a source of stress and set a goal to help manage that stressor. (GS)
AST 5.3 - Talk about Mental Emotional Health : I can identify appropriate people to talk to about mental and emotional health issues, concerns and worries. (AI)
ALT 6 - Sexual Health
Health: 3: 6-Sexual Health
AST 6.1 - Refusal Skills Inappropriate Touching : I can practice and use refusal skills if someone is touching you inappropriately. (IC,*)
AST 6.2 - Inappropriate Touching : I can identify whom to talk to at school, home, and in the community if someone is touching you inappropriately. (AI,*)
AST 6.3 - Basic Growth Process : I can identify stages in the basic growth process (birth – adult). (CC)
ALT 7 - Unintentional Injury Prevention
Health: 3: 7-Unintentional Injury Prevention
AST 7.1 - Prevent Fires : I can identify ways to prevent fires and reduce the risk of injuries in case of fire. (CC,*)
AST 7.2 - Access Information on Fires : I can access information on the nature of fire, how fires start, fire’s destructiveness, and how fires can be prevented. (AI,*)
AST 7.3 - Misuse of Fire or Fireworks : I can demonstrate how to respond to peers who may encourage you to misuse fire or fireworks. (IC,*)
AST 7.4 - Avoid Dangerous Situations : I can use a decision-making model to plan ahead to avoid dangerous situations and injuries on the way to and from school. (DM,*)
AST 7.5 - Reduce Risk of Injury : I can demonstrate ways to reduce risk of injury in and around water, power lines, animals, traffic, and natural disasters. (SM)
AST 7.6 - Identify Labels : I can identify labels on home products that give information about dangerous products and situations. (CC)
AST 7.7 - Create Family Emergency Plan : I can create a family emergency plan to be used in case of any emergency. (SM)
ALT 8 - Violence Prevention
Health: 3: 8-Violence Prevention
AST 8.1 - Helpful Hurtful Messages in Media : I can explain how helpful and hurtful messages in the media can affect an individual’s behavior. (INF,*)
AST 8.2 - Manage Interpersonal Conflict : I can manage interpersonal conflict in non-violent ways. (IC)
AST 8.3 - Advocate Respect for Diversity : I can advocate respect for diversity. (AV)
Library and Info Lit
Reading Engagement
Reading Engagement: 1
1-Reading Engagement : 3.1.1 Use library catalog to locate favorite subjects, authors or titles
2-Reading Engagement : 3.1.2: Make and share text to self, text to text, and text to world connections
3-Reading Engagement : 3.1.3: Share opinions and seek recommendations for reading materials
4-Reading Engagement : 3.1.4: Select materials from various collections for learning and enjoyment and recognize that different topics in nonfiction are organized by the Dewey Decimal system
5-Reading Engagement : 3.1.5: Compare individual styles of authors and illustrators in telling different versions of a story
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility: 2
1-Social Responsibility : 3.2.1: Understand safe and correct online security procedures including protecting passwords and personal information and exiting inappropriate sites
2-Social Responsibility : 3.2.2: Understand the term "plagiarism" as copying, communicate information in own words and cite information sources in a simple format
3-Social Responsibility : 3.2.3: Distinguish between fact and opinion and begin to identify point of view
4-Social Responsibility : 3.2.4: Develop an appreciation for the diversity of ideas and experiences represented in literature
5-Social Responsibility : 3.2.5: Demonstrate consideration of others by using appropriate library behavior
6-Social Responsibility : 3.2.6: Demonstrate care with all library materials and equipment and use student account in library catalog to track borrowed library materials
Info Literacy (Question)
Information Literacy: 3.1 Question
1a : 3.3.1.a: Identify and describe the research task
1b : 3.3.1.b: Identify, record and categorize prior knowledge
1c : 3.3.1.c: Generate essential research question with guidance
1d : 3.3.1.d: Identify subtopics and develop supporting questions with modeling
Info Literacy (Plan)
Information Literacy: 3.2 Plan
2a : 3.3.2.a: Understand the assigned product and plan variations when appropriate
2b : 3.3.2.b: Review information needed with modeling, considering end product and audience
2c : 3.3.2.c: Decide with guidance which print, non-print and electronic sources and/or experts will be most useful to answer research questions
2d : 3.3.2.d: Identify keywords and search strategies with modeling
2e : 3.3.2.e Understand and follow the predetermined research plan and timeline
Info Literacy (Gather)
Information Literacy: 3.3 Gather
3a : 3.3.3.a: Locate and access print, non-print and electronic sources and/or experts with guidance
3b : 3.3.3.b: Identify and use text features with guidance to locate relevant information
3c : 3.3.3.c: Begin to evaluate the accuracy of information based on reliability and point of view of the source with guidance
3d : 3.3.3.d: Record notes from text and include essential citation information for a simple works cited document with guidance
3e : 3.3.3.e: Request help to find books or use electronic sources of information
Info Literacy (Sort)
4a : 3.3.4.a: Sort information for usefulness with guidance
4b : 3.3.4.b: Use sequencing, webbing or other strategies to organize and integrate useful information with guidance
4c : 3.3.4.c: Review organized information with modeling to ensure the research questions have been answered
4d : 3.3.4.d: Review research process plan and revise as needed with modeling
Info Literacy (Share)
Information Literacy: 3.5 Share
5a : 3.3.5.a: Create an original product with guidance using the selected information and ideas
5b : 3.3.5.b: Design and develop a final product with guidance that demonstrates new knowledge and addresses the essential research question
5c : 3.3.5.c: Present information clearly so main points are evident
5d : 3.3.5.d: Create a simple works cited document with modeling
Info Literacy (Review)
Information Literacy: 3.6 Review
6a : 3.3.6.a: Evaluate the research process using given criteria and identify a strategy for improvement with guidance
6b : 3.3.6.b: Evaluate the product using given criteria and identify an area for improvement with guidance
6c : 3.3.6.c: Gather feedback about the research process used and product created from others with guidance and respond appropriately
Literacy: 3: Reading
1-Concepts of Print : Recognize, identify and appropriately use fonts, dialogue, and italics in a variety of genres.
2-Concepts of Print : Recognize and identify internal punctuation and paragraphs in text.
1-Phoemic Awareness : Demonstrate a mastery level of phonemic awareness.
1-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Use letter-sound correspondence knowledge, structural analysis, and complex word patterns to decode unfamiliar words.
2-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Recognize an increasing bank of high frequency sight words.
1-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through word study: roots, affixes, synonyms/antonyms, homophones/homographs, abbreviations, and possessives.
2-Vocabulary : Categorize words by their relationships, and use context to understand word meanings.
3-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through listening, discussion, and direct teaching of words in literary, informational, and content specific texts.
4-Vocabulary : Use academic vocabulary accurately across the subject areas.
1-Fluency : Read aloud unpracticed grade level text at an appropriate rate
(110-120 wcpm) with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.
1-Comprehension : Summarize and sequence major points from text including main ideas, supporting details, problems/solutions, and speaker/narrator.
2-Comprehension : Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers to questions about the text.
3-Comprehension : Develop an interpretation of texts using predictions, varied connections, questions with support answers, cause/effect, fact/opinion, theme, and author’s message.
4-Comprehension : Compare and contrast information and literary elements/devices across renditions of similar stories from different cultures. Explore impact of author’s purpose and choices.
5-Comprehension : Take part in creative responses to text such as dramatizations and oral presentations.
1-Reading to Perform a Task : Locate and interpret information from text features (diagrams, charts, titles, etc.). Use glossaries, indexes, and reference materials to find information in text.
2-Reading to Perform a Task : Read and understand multiple-step directions, signs, labels, captions, and informational texts.
3-Reading to Perform a Task : Alphabetize a list of words to the third letter.
1-Und & Using the Reading Process : Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussion.
2-Und & Using the Reading Process : Monitor comprehension and draw upon a variety of strategies as needed to strengthen understanding. Identify specific words that are causing comprehension difficulties.
1-Und-Usg Lit Forms-Genres : Listen to and experience a wide variety of grade-level text including informational publications, reference materials, classic and contemporary literature, and poetry.
Speaking & Listening
Literacy: 3: Speaking & Listening1-Listening : Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to those of a speaker.
2-Listening : Follow detailed diections and instructions.
3-Listening : Retell in own words and explain what has been said by a speaker.
1-Analysis : Distinguish between the speaker’s opinions and verifiable facts.
1-Speaking : With guidance, organize and present ideas sequentially around major points of information using concrete details.
2-Speaking : Use appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important points. Maintain good eye contact when speaking.
3-Speaking : Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props, and specific vocabulary.
4-Speaking : Suggested Speech length: one minute.
(OAT) ALT 1 - Strategies Multiply-Divide Problems to 100
I can use and show a variety of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems within 100.
AST 1.1 - Multiple as Equal Grouping : I can recognize multiplication as equal grouping.
AST 1.2 - Multiplication Strategies : I can describe and use various multiplication strategies to solve multiplication and divisions problems.
AST 1.3 - Fact Families : I can use my understanding of multiplication and division fact families to find an unknown number.
AST 1.4 - Place Value Strategies : I can use place value strategies to multiply 1-digit numbers by multiples of 10 to 90.
(OAT) ALT 2 - Fluently Multiply-Divide to 100
I can fluently multiply and divide within 100.
(OAT) ALT 3 - Multi-step Word Problems
I can solve and explain multi-step word problems using appropriate operations.
AST 3.1 - Strategies Multi-Step Problems : I can use a variety of strategies to solve multi-step word problems and check to see if my answer is reasonable using mental computation and estimation strategies, such as rounding.
AST 3.2 - Equation Unknown Quantity : I can write an equation for a word problem that represents the unknown quantity with a symbol.
AST 3.3 - Arithmetic Patterns : I can identify arithmetic patterns and explain them using mathematical properties.
(NOBT) ALT 4 - Fluently Add-Sub to 1,000
I can fluently add and subtract within 1,000.
AST 4.1 - Place Value : I can use my knowledge about place value to solve number problems.
(NO-F) ALT 5 - Fractions
I can describe and represent fractions as equal parts of a whole or set, compare fractions, and identify equivalent fractions.
AST 5.1 - Denominator : I can recognize the denominator as the total number of parts of the whole.
AST 5.2 - Numerator : I can recognize the numerator as a certain number of parts compared to the whole.
AST 5.3 - Fraction Expressions : I can express fractions as fair sharing, parts of a whole, and parts of a set.
AST 5.4 - Fractions Using Models : I can represent fractions using a variety of models (circles, rectangles, fraction bars, number lines, or pictures).
AST 5.5 - Basic Unit Functions : I can count basic unit fractions.
AST 5.6 - Visual Model : I can compare unit fractions and create a visual model of the comparison.
AST 5.7 - Size of Fraction : I know that the size of the fraction is relative to the whole.
AST 5.8 - Number Line : I can create a number line with equal intervals.
AST 5.9 - Show Measurement Data : I can measure and record data by measuring lengths with halves and fourths of an inch; and show measurement data by making line plot graphs.
AST 5.10 - Partition Shapes : I can partition shapes into equal parts and write each part as a fraction.
(MD) ALT 6 - Measurement and Estimation
I can solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes and masses of objects.
AST 6.1 - Estimate or Measure Time : I can solve problems that want me to estimate or measure elapsed time.
AST 6.2 - Subtracting Time : I can solve elapsed time problems by adding or subtracting time.
AST 6.3 - Number Line : I can use a number line to solve word problems that add or subtract time.
AST 6.4 - Estimate Liquid Volume and Mass : I can estimate liquid volume and mass of objects in standard units.
AST 6.5 - Picture to Solve 1-step Problems : I can draw a picture to solve one-step problems about mass or volume when they are in the same units.
(MD) ALT 7 - Create Graphs
I can create a graph by posing a question, and collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data.
AST - 7.1 - Data on a Graph : I can read and interpret data on a graph.
AST 7.2 - Scaled Graph to Show Data : I can create a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to show a data set.
AST 7.3 - How Many More-Less : I can solve “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information shown in scaled graphs.
(MD) ALT 8 - Measure Rectilinear Shape
I can measure the area of a rectilinear shape.
AST 8.1 - Counting in Variety of Ways : I can find the area of a rectangle by counting in a variety of ways the total number of “square units’ (square cm, square m, square in, square ft.) in the shape.
AST 8.2 - Area of 2D Shape : I can use my understanding of multiplication and addition to find the area of a two-dimensional shape.
AST 8.3 - Rectangle-Length x Width : I know that the area of a rectangle is the length x width.
AST 8.4 - Finding Total Area Rectilinear Shape : I can break a rectilinear shape into rectangles and then add the areas of these rectangles to find the total area.
(MD) ALT 9 - Perimeter of Polygons
I can find the perimeter of different polygons.
AST 9.1 - Perimeter Adding All Sides : I can find the perimeter of a shape by adding all the sides.
AST 9.2 - Length of Unknown Side : I can find the length of an unknown side if given the perimeter.
AST 9.3 - Finding Areas of a Shape : I can find all the different areas of a shape that has a given perimeter.
AST 9.4 - Find Different Perimeters : I can find all the different perimeters of a shape that has a given area.
(GEO) ALT 10 - Attributes of Polygons
I can compare and classify polygons according to their attributes.
AST 10.1 - Properties of a Polygon : I can describe the properties of a polygon.
AST 10.2 - Sort and Name Polygons : I can sort/classify and name polygons.
AST 10.3 - Types of Quadrilaterals : I can draw and name different types of quadrilaterals.
AST 10.4 - Similarities-Differences of Quadrilaterals : I can describe how quadrilaterals are alike and different.
Physical Education
ELT 1 - Expressive Efficient Movement
I can demonstrate motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities and motor skill proficiency in one physical activity
EST 1.1 - Basic Locomotor Patterns : Demonstrate mature forms of basic
locomotor patterns: run, gallop, slide, horizontal jump, hop, leap and skip, starting and stopping on command and in control.
EST 1.2 - Manipulative Skills : Demonstrate critical elements in
manipulative skills: throw, catch, kick and strike.
EST 1.3 - Balance : I can balance, demonstrating momentary stillness, in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes on a variety of body parts.
EST 1.4 - Step Patterns : I can demonstrate three different step patterns and combinations of movements into repeatable sequences.
ELT 2 - Fitness For Lifetime
I can demonstrate knowledge of a physically active lifestyle
EST 2.1 - Changes in Body During Exercise : I can identify changes in my body during moderate to vigorous exercise.
ELT 3 - Self-Management Social Behavior
I can understand appropriate and positive behavior management (social skills) and respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity.
EST 3.1 - Identify Rules Procedures Etiquette : I can identify rules, procedures and etiquette in a specified physical activity.
EST 3.2 - Resolve Conflict : I can identify positive ways to resolve conflict.
(SF) ALT 1 - C-C Properties States of Matter
I can compare and contrast the properties of states of matter. (Structure and Function: Physical Science)
AST 1.1 - Describe Properties of Objects : I can describe the properties of different objects.
AST 1.2 - C-C Properties of Objects : I can compare and contrast the properties of different objects.
AST 1.3 - Describe Different States of Matter : I can describe the different states of matter.
AST 1.4 - Explain Matter Change Heating Cooling : I can explain how states of matter can change by heating and cooling.
AST 1.5 - Measure Compare Properties of Matter : I can measure and compare properties of matter.
(SF) ALT 2 - C-C Characteristics Offspring
I can compare and contrast characteristics of offspring and their parents. (Structure and Function: Life Science)
AST 2.1 - Define Terms : I can define the terms inherited, species, and traits.
AST 2.2 - Identify Inherited Characteristics : I can identify what characteristics are inherited from an offspring’s parent.
AST 2.3 - Identify Learned Acquired Characteristic : I can identify characteristics that are learned or acquired.
AST 2.4 - Describe Similarities Differences : I can describe the similarities and differences of physical traits in parents and their offspring.
AST 2.5 - Describe Similarities Diff Behaviors : I can describe the similarities and differences of behaviors in parents and their offspring.
(IC) ALT 3 - Describe Forces Cause Changes
I can describe how forces cause changes in an objects position, motion, and speed. (Interaction and Change: Physical Science)
AST 3.1 - Describe Objects Change Speed Move : I can describe how different objects change speed and or position when they move.
AST 3.2 - Explain Effect Push Pull on Motion : I can explain the effect of pushes and pulls on motion.
AST 3.3 - Define Friction Speed Gravity : I can define friction, speed, and gravity
AST 3.4 - Demonstrate Friction Affects Motion : I can demonstrate how the friction of different surfaces affects an object in motion.
AST 3.5 - Illustrate Effect of Gravity : I can illustrate the effect of gravity on an object.
(IC) ALT 4 - Compare and Contrast Life Cycles
I can compare and contrast the life cycles of plants and animals. (Interaction and Change: Life Science))
AST 4.1 - Describe Similarities and Differences Life Cycle Animals : I can describe the similarities and differences of the life cycle of different animals.
AST 4.2 - Compare-Contrast Life Cycle of Plants : I can compare and contrast the life cycle of different plants.
AST 4.3 - Identify Common Patter Life Cycle Plant & Animal : I can identify the common pattern of the life cycle in all plants and animals.
AST 4.4 - Describe Similarities and Differences Life Cycle Plant & Animals : I can describe the similarities and differences of the life cycle of a plant with the life cycle of an animal.
AST 4.5 - Classify Plants Animals by Life Cycle : I can classify plants and animals by their life cycles
(IC) ALT 5 - Identify Earths Weather Patterns
I can identify Earth as a planet and describe its seasonal weather patterns of precipitation and temperature. (Interaction and Change: Earth/Space Science)
AST 5.1 - Describe What Happens to Water in Life Cycle : I can describe what happens to water in the water cycle.
AST 5.2 - Compare-Contrast Temperature During Seasons : I can compare and contrast the temperature during the different seasons.
AST 5.3 - Compare-Contrast Rainfall Different Seasons : I can compare and contrast the rainfall of different seasons.
AST 5.4 - Compare-Contrast Rainfall and Temp Locations on Earth : I can compare and contrast the rainfall and temperature of different locations on the planet Earth.
AST 5.5 - Explain Diff Weather and Climate : I can explain the difference between weather and climate.
(SI) ALT 6 - Plan Investigation
I can plan a simple investigation based on a testable question. I can match measuring tools to their uses, and collect and record data from an investigation. (Science Inquiry)
AST 6.1 - Predict Outcome Hypothesis : I can predict the outcome of my investigation (hypothesis).
AST 6.2 - Identify Variable : I can identify the variable in an experiment.
AST 6.3 - Determine Steps With Testable Question : I can determine the steps necessary to carry out an investigation based on a testable question.
AST 6.4 - Choose Measuring Tools : I can choose the appropriate measuring tools (from teacher-provided tools) to use in my investigation.
AST 6.5 - Collect Record Data : I can collect and record data about my investigation (with teacher created data tables).
(SI) ALT 7 - Use Data Explain Results
I can use the data collected from a scientific investigation to explain the results and draw conclusions. (Science Inquiry)
AST 7.1 - Look at Results Explain Meaning : I can look at my results and explain what they mean using science terminology. (Analyze)
AST 7.2 - Restate Question in Own Words : I can restate my question using my own words.
AST 7.3 - Use Data Collected Answer Table Question : I can use data I collected to answer my testable question.
AST 7.4 - Draw Conclusions About Results : I can draw conclusions about the results of my investigation.
(SI) ALT 8 - Explain Why Repeated Same Expected
I can explain why, when a scientific investigation is repeated, similar results are expected. (Science Inquiry)
AST 8.1 - Explain Why Trials Necessary : I can explain why multiple trials of an investigation are necessary. (To get valid results)
AST 8.2 - Recognize Patterns in Data : I can recognize patterns in the data I collect in my investigation.
AST 8.3 - Make Predictions About Future Trials : I can make predictions about future trials of the same investigation.
(ED) ALT 9 - Identify Problem Propose Solution
I can identify a problem that can be addressed through engineering design, propose a potential solution, and design a prototype. (Engineering Design)
AST 9.1 - Identify Problem From Scenario : I can identify a problem to solve from a given scenario.
AST 9.2 - Determine Design Problem Using Model : I can determine if a design problem can be solved using a model or prototype.
AST 9.3 - Plan Possible Model Prototype : I can plan possible solutions to a problem.
AST 9.4 - Design Model Prototype of Solution : I can design a model or prototype of a solution
(ED) ALT 10 - Design Construct Test Prototype
I can design, construct, and test a prototype of a possible solution to a problem using appropriate tools, materials, and resources. (Engineering Design)
AST 10.1 - Develop Solutions Using Resources : I can develop possible solutions using the resources available.
AST 10.2 - Choose One Solution to Test : I can choose one solution to test.
AST 10.3 - Design Construct Prototype : I can design and construct a prototype to test my solution.
AST 10.4 - Design Fair Test : I can design a fair test for the prototype.
AST 10.5 - Plan Carry Out Investigation : I can plan and carry out an investigation to test a possible solution to the problem.
AST 10.6 - Communicate Results : I can communicate the results of my tests of my solutions.
(ED) ALT 11 - Give Examples of Inventions
I can give examples of inventions that enable scientists to observe things that are too small or too far away. (Engineering Design)
AST 11.1 - Identify Tools Inventions : I can identify tools/inventions that scientists use to observe objects.
AST 11.2 - Identify Tools Inventions Too Small : I can identify tools/inventions that can be used to observe objects that are too small to see.
AST 11.3 - Identify Tools Objects Too Far : I can identify tools that can be used to observe objects that are too far away to see.
Social Studies
ALT 1 - Using Historical Sources
I can use a variety of historical sources including artifacts, pictures and documents to identify factual evidence.
AST 1.1 - Locate and Evaluate Info : I can use a variety of sources to locate and evaluate information.
AST 1.2 - Human Characteristics : I can describe past, present and human characteristics of communities.
ALT 2 - Diff Ways of Looking
I can identify and compare different ways of looking at an event, issue, or problem.
AST 2.1 - Diff Ways of Looking : I can identify different ways of looking at an event, issue, or problem.
AST 2.2 - Compare-Contrast Ways of Looking : I can compare and contrast different ways of looking at an event, issue, or problem.
ALT 3 - People Affected by Events
I can identify how people or other living things might be affected by an event, issue, or problem.
AST 3.1 - Impact of People and Others : I can identify and explain the impacts of significant people, developments, events, and resources.
AST 3.2 - Useful Sources : I can determine which sources are more useful for answering historical questions.
AST 3.3 - Describe Local Government : I can describe the general local government and its services.
AST 3.4 - Describe Citizenship : I can describe citizenship, including applicable responsibilities.
Ethics & Citizenship
Technology: 3: Ethics & Citizenship
1 : Advocate and practice safe, responsible use of information and technology
2 : Use safe practices related to the internet including protecting passwords and personal information; discuss procedures for exiting inappropriate sites
3 : Demonstrate responsible use of technological equipment and software as outlined in the acceptable use statement from the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook
4 : Understand and adhere to ethical and legal use of copyright, licensing, and fair use laws
5 : Demonstrate ethical behaviors when using technology (e.g. appropriate copying and pasting)
6 : Respect self, other users, and digital property (e.g. plagiarism, cyber-bullying, privacy)
7 : Participate in discussions addressing respect for self and other users
8 : Demonstrate respect for existing desktop configuration, system preferences and user's properties such as assignments, projects and information storage systems
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Technology: 3: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
1 : Integrate information with appropriate technology to make informed decisions and solve problems
2 : With guidance, select appropriate technology to answer questions
3 : Plan and manage tasks to develop solutions and complete projects
4 : Follow a teacher directed project plan (e.g. storyboard, note cards, graphic organizers, etc.)
Creative Use of Tech
Technology: 3: Creative Use of Tech
1 : Use technology as a means to develop innovative products that reflect originality and self-expression
2 : Use multimedia tools to create an original product
Communicate & Collaborate
Technology: 3: Communicate & Collaborate
1 : Present information and ideas effectively to a variety of audiences
2 : Create a simple document with three media elements to communicate learning
3 : Identify design elements that contribute to an effective presentation for target audiences
4 : Effectively collaborate locally and globally
5 : Use communication tools identified by the teacher to gather and share information with various audiences
Technology: 3: Research
1 : Locate, organize, analyze, and cite information from a variety of sources and media
2 : Use district online library resources to gain information on a topic in a teacher guided lesson
3 : Identify the source and date of an electronic resource
4 : Critically evaluate validity of resources
5 : Recognize that not all information found on the internet is accurate
Tech Operations
Technology: 3: Tech Operations
1 : Understand and operate systems and applications
2 : Use an application for a different purposes
3 : Troubleshoot systems and applications
4 : Use peer assistance and teacher directed strategies to solve hardware and software problems
5 : Store and access documents in different formats from various locations
6 : Understand the advantages and disadvantages of storing information in various locations
Technology: 3: Keyboarding
1 : Keyboard using correct hand position and posture at 5 words per minute with 90% accuracy.
4th Grade
4th Grade Learning Targets
(3-5) BLT 1 - Responsibility
Manages responsibilities as a student
BST 1.1 - Use of Class Time : Uses class time appropriately.
BST 1.2 - Preparation : Prepares for class with necessary materials and is ready to learn
BST 1.3 - Follows Directions : Follows directions timely and accurately
BST 1.4 - Quality Work : Demonstrates quality work
BST 1.5 - Breaks Down Tasks : Breaks down large tasks into smaller, manageable parts
BST 1.6 - Organization System : Uses a system for organizing assignments
BST 1.7 - Safety : Makes safe and appropriate choices
(3-5) BLT 2 - Self Directs Self-directs
BST 2.1 - Use of Rubrics : Uses rubrics to accurately assess progress toward learning targets
BST 2.2 - Plan to Achieve Goals : Develops a plan to achieve goals, with teacher support
BST 2.3 - Persists : Persists with a task over time
BST 2.4 - Finds Help : Utilizes a variety of sources to find help
BST 2.5 - Advocates for Self : Advocates for self
(3-5) BLT 3 - Group Work
Communicates and works effectively within a team or group
BST 3.1 - Listening Respectfully : Listens respectfully and acknowledges the contributions of others.
BST 3.2 - Active Participation : Actively participates in group work
BST 3.3 - Sharing Ideas : Shares ideas clearly
BST 3.4 - Safe Environment : Contributes to creating a safe learning environment
BST 3.5 - Adapts to Changes : Adapts to changes in the group process with a positive attitude
BST 3.6 - Respect : Respects different points of view
English Lang Arts
(Writing) ALT 1 - Opinion-POV
I can write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
AST 1.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure grouping related ideas that supports my purpose.
AST 1.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can provide reasons for my opinion that are supported by facts and details.
AST 1.3 - Transition : Transition: I can link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition).
AST 1.4 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a concluding section or statement related to my opinion.
(Writing) ALT 2 - Informative-Explanatory Texts
I can write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic to convey ideas and information clearly.
AST 2.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can introduce a topic, group related information into paragraphs and sections, and include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, or multimedia when useful.
AST 2.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can use facts, definitions, details, examples or quotations to develop a topic.
AST 2.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use linking words and phrases to connect ideas within categories (e.g., another, for example, also, because).
AST 2.4 - Precise Language : Precise Language: I can use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
AST 2.5 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a concluding statement or section related to information or explanation presented.
(Writing) ALT 3 - Narrative
I can write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using descriptive details and clear sequences.
AST 3.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can establish a situation, introduce a narrator and/or characters, and organize an event sequence.
AST 3.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can use dialogue and descriptions to develop events and/or show response of characters to situations.
AST 3.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage sequence of events.
AST 3.4 - Precise Language : Precise Language: I can use a variety of transitional words and phrases to manage event sequence.
AST 3.5 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a conclusion that follows from the experience or events.
(Language) ALT 4 - Standard English Grammar
I can demonstrate command of standard English grammar when writing or speaking.
AST 4.1 - Relative Pronouns : relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, why)
AST 4.2 - Progressive Verb Tenses : Form and use the progressive verb tenses
AST 4.3 - Modal Auxiliaries : use modal auxiliaries to convey various conditions
AST 4.4 - Ordering Adjectives : order adjectives within sentences according to conventional patterns
AST 4.5 - Prepositions : form and use prepositional phrases
AST 4.6 - Complete Sentences : produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons
AST 4.7 - Choosing Words or Phrases : choose words or phrases to convey ideas precisely
AST 4.8 - Formal-Informal
English : differentiate between contexts that call for formal and informal English (Language)
ALT 5 - Conventions
I can demonstrate command of conventions of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
AST 5.1 - Capitalization : correct capitalization
AST 5.2 - Commas and Quotations : commas and quotations from speech, text and coordinating conjunctions in a compound sentence
AST 5.3 - Spelling : spell grade level appropriate words
AST 5.4 - Punctuation : choose punctuation for effect
Fine Arts - Elem Music
Create, Present, and Perform Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
Technical Skill-1 : Use prior experiences to apply musical elements - beat, tempo, pitch, dynamics, rhythm, melody, harmony, form.
Technical Skill-2 : Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns on an instrument.
Technical Skill-3 : Use pitch, dynamics, rhythm, tempo, tone, phrasing and harmony to sing in ensemble.
Technical Skill-4 : While singing, use correct posture, tone quality, breathing and diction and respond to the cues of a conductor.
Technical Skill-5 : Explore, identify and play rhythmic and melodic instruments.
Technical Skill-6 : Identify symbols of music notation: quarter note, eighth note, whole note, half note, dotted half note, quarter rest, staff, treble clef, and dynamic markings.
Technical Skill-7 : Follow procedures for using and maintaining materials, equipment and space.
Creative Process-1 : Use creative thinking, musical skills and problem solving skills to create music and discuss choices made.
Artistic Voice/Comm-1 : Create or perform music that communicates an idea, feeling, or mood.
Critique/Evaluation-1 : Evaluate one’s own work using arts vocabulary.
Aesthetics and Criticism
Respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles, and aesthetic criteria.
Critical Analysis-1 : Identify artistic elements and organization that can be used to describe a piece of music.
Critical Analysis-2 : Identify the instrument “families” and name two instruments in each family.
Critical Analysis-3 : Use arts vocabulary when describing instruments and voices used in a performance.
Personal Evaluation-1 : Explain how essential elements of musical works and styles affect personal preferences.
Interdisciplinary Relat-1 : Identify elements from various art disciplines that are used in an integrated work.
Interdisciplinary Relat-2 : Discuss ways in which music and other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated.
Interdisciplinary Relat-3 : Discuss similarities and differences in the meanings of common terms used in music and other disciplines.
Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
Context-1 : Identify a personal, shared or world experience or event that influences music
Compare/Contratst-1 : Identify characteristics of music from other cultures or time periods.
Personal Interp-1 : Discuss how a composer or performer from another historic period reflects his/her environment, society and culture.
Personal Interp-2 : Describe how a personal experience is reflected in one’s own music.
Global/Interdisciplinary Conn-1 : Identify various uses of music in communities and cultures.
Global/Interdisciplinary Conn-2 : Identify careers that relate to a musical piece that is studied or performed.
Global/Interdisciplinary Conn-3 : Describe how music, art, drama and dance connect within a culture.
Influence Human Experience/Tech Dev-1 : Discuss an example of when music influences a community or culture.
Fine Arts - Visual Arts
ALT 1 - Create, Present, Perform
I can apply ideas, techniques and processes in the arts.
AST 1.1 - Technical Skill : I can create, present and perform works of art by using experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting, and/or performing works of art.
AST 1.2 - Creative Process : I can apply the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving to the creative process and analyze the infl uence that choices have on the result.
AST 1.3 - Artistic Voice-Communication : I can express ideas, moods, and feelings through the arts.
AST 1.4 - Critique-Evaluation : I can evaluate one’s own work orally and in writing.
ALT 2 - Aesthetics and Criticism
I can respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic criteria.
AST 2.1 - Critical Analysis : I can apply critical analysis to works of art.
AST 2.2 - Personal Evaluation : I can respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences.
AST 2.3 - Interdisciplinary Relationship : I understand the interrelationships among art forms and between arts and other content areas.
ALT 3 - Historical and Cultural Perspectives
I can understand the relationship of works of art to their social, historical and cultural contexts, and the influence of the arts on individuals, communities and cultures.
AST 3.1 - Context : I understand how events and conditions influence the arts.
AST 3.2 - Compare and Contrast : Distinguish works of art from different societies, time periods and cultures.
AST 3.3 - Personal Interpretation : Understand how the arts can reflect the environment and personal experiences within a society or culture, and apply to one’s own work.
AST 3.4 - Global and Interdisciplinary Connections : I understand the place of the arts within, and their influences on, society.
AST 3.5 - Human Experience and Tech Development : Describe how the arts can influence individuals, communities and cultures.
ALT 1 - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Health: 4: 1-Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs
AST 1.1 - School Community Laws ATOD : I can identify school policies and community laws related to ATOD use, possession and sales. (CC,*)
AST 1.2 - Benefits Tobacco Drug Free Environment : I can describe the benefits of a tobacco and drug-free environment. (CC)
AST 1.3 - Consequences of ATOD : I can identify the short- and long-term consequences of ATOD use. (CC)
AST 1.4 - Reinforce Refusal Skills Tobacco : I can reinforce refusal skills around the use of tobacco products and alcohol. (IC)
AST 1.5 - Appropriate Use of Medications : I can recognize appropriate use of over the counter and prescription medications. (CC)
ALT 2 - Prevention and Control of Disease
Health: 4: 2-Prevention & Control of Disease
AST 2.1 - Avoid Contact with Others Blood : I can explain the importance of avoiding contact with others’ blood and other body fluids. (CC)
AST 2.2 - Proper Hygiene Practices : I can demonstrate proper hygiene practices. (SM)
AST 2.3 - Personal Health Care Practices : I can demonstrate personal health care practices that prevent the spread of communicable disease. (SM)
ALT 3 - Environmental Health
Health: 4: 3-Environmental Health
AST 3.1 - Harm Vision and Hearing : I can identify situations that might harm vision and hearing. (CC)
ALT 4 - Healthy Eating
Health: 4: 4-Healthy Eating
AST 4.1 - Moderation in Food Selection Consumption : I can explain the importance of variety and moderation in food selection and consumption. (CC)
AST 4.2 - Importance of Food Selection Consumption : I can reinforce the importance of variety and moderation in food selection and consumption. (CC)
AST 4.3 - Balance Food Intake Physical Activity : I can describe the importance of balancing food intake and physical activity. (CC)
ALT 5 - Mental, Social and Emotional Health
Health: 4: 5-Mental, Social & Emotional Health
AST 5.1 - Deal with Personal Feelings : I can describe appropriate ways to express and deal with personal feeling, wants and needs. (SM)
AST 5.2 - Talk About Mental Emotional Health : I can identify appropriate people to talk to about mental and emotional health issues, concerns and worries. (AI)
ALT 6 - Sexual Health
Health: 4: 6-Sexual Health
AST 6.1 - Physical Social Emotional Changes : I can describe physical, social and emotional changes that occur during puberty. (CC,*)
AST 6.2 - Identify Body Parts : I can identify body parts, proper anatomical names and stages in the basic growth process. (CC)
AST 6.3 - Describe Menstrual Cycle : I can describe the menstrual cycle. (CC)
AST 6.4 - Hygiene During Puberty : I can identify health practices and hygiene during puberty. (CC)
AST 6.5 - Info on Changes During Puberty : I can identify people in school or the community who could provide valid health information about the changes occurring during puberty. (AI,*)
AST 6.6 - Inappropriately Touching : I can identify whom to talk to at school, home and in the community if someone is touching you inappropriately. (AI,*) \
ALT 7 - Unintentional Injury Prevention
Health: 4: 7-Unintentional Injury Prevention
AST 7.1 - Basic Steps of First Aid : I can describe the basic steps of First AID. (CC)
AST 7.2 - First Aid Steps in Emergency : I can demonstrate the basic First AID steps to use in emergency situations. (SM)
AST 7.3 - Safe Travel To-From School : I can describe safe behaviors when traveling to and from school and in the community. (CC)
ALT 8 - Violence Prevention
Health: 4: 8-Violence Prevention
AST 8.1 - Demonstrate Impulse Control : I can demonstrate steps of problem-solving, anger management and impulse control. (SM,*)
AST 8.2 - Difference Physical, Verbal, Violence : I can identify the differences between physical, verbal and relational violence. (CC)
AST 8.3 - Identify Bullying : I can identify bullying and its affects on health and safety. (CC)
AST 8.4 - Communicate Respect for Diversity : I can demonstrate ways to communicate respect for diversity. (IC)
Library and Info Lit
Reading Engagement
Reading Engagement: 1
1-Reading Engagement : 4.1.1 Understand and use library classification systems to locate reading materials related to personal interests and information needs
2-Reading Engagement : 4.1.2: Make varied connections to respond to literature and demonstrate comprehension
3-Reading Engagement : 4.1.3: Share opinions and seek recommendations for reading materials
4-Reading Engagement : 4.1.4: Use the Dewey Decimal system to locate nonfiction and reference materials and explore various genres of literature for learning and enjoyment
5-Reading Engagement : 4.1.5: Describe how an author or illustrator's background and culture influence his/her work
Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility: 2
1-Social Responsibility : 4.2.1: Understand personal privacy and safety guidelines when chatting, encountering strangers or providing information online and identify examples of cyber-bullying
2-Social Responsibility : 4.2.2: Practice ethical and legally responsible ways of using information and technology, including citing sources of information
3-Social Responsibility : 4.2.3: Recognize that information can be inaccurate or biased
4-Social Responsibility : 4.2.4: Explore the diversity of ideas and experiences represented in literature and develop a basic understanding of intellectual freedom
5-Social Responsibility : 4.2.5: Demonstrate awareness of various library activities and adjust behavior accordingly
6-Social Responsibility : 4.2.6: Handle library materials appropriately, return them on time and take responsibility for damaged or lost materials
Info Literacy (Question)
Information Literacy-Question: 3.1
1a : 4.3.1.a: Identify and describe the research task
1b : 4.3.1.b: Identify, record and categorize prior knowledge 1c : 4.3.
1.c: Write the essential research question with guidance 1d : 4.3.
1.d: Identify subtopics and develop supporting questions with guidance
Info Literacy (Plan)
Information Literacy-Plan: 3.2
2a : 4.3.2.a: Understand the assigned format is for a specific purpose and audience
2b : 4.3.2.b: Review information needed with guidance, considering end product and audience
2c : 4.3.2.c: Decide with guidance which print, non-print and electronic sources and/or experts will be most useful to answer research questions
2d : 4.3.2.d: Identify keywords and search strategies with guidance
2e : 4.3.2.e Understand and follow the predetermined research plan and timeline
Info Literacy (Gather)
Information Literacy-Gather: 3.3
3a : 4.3.3.a: Locate and access print, non-print and electronic sources and/or experts with guidance -
3b : 4.3.3.b: Identify and use text features to locate relevant information
3c : 4.3.3.c: Evaluate the accuracy of information based on reliability and point of view of the source with guidance
3d : 4.3.3.d: Record paraphrased notes and document information needed to create citations
3e : 4.3.3.e: Recognize the availability of reference resources from school and public libraries
Info Literacy (Sort)
Information Literacy-Sort: 3.4
4a : 4.3.4.a: Review the information gathered with guidance to determine usefulness in answering the research questions
4b : 4.3.4.b: Use sequencing, webbing or other strategies to organize and integrate useful information with assistance as needed
4c : 4.3.4.c: Review organized information with guidance to ensure the research questions have been answered
4d : 4.3.4.d: Review research process plan and revise the questions, resources, and/or strategies as needed with guidance
Info Literacy (Share)
Information Literacy-Share: 3.5
5a : 4.3.5.a: Create an original product using the selected information and ideas
5b : 4.3.5.b: Design and develop a final product that demonstrates factual and conceptual understanding and addresses the essential research question
5c : 4.3.5.c: Present information effectively to intended audience
5d : 4.3.5.d: Create a works cited document with guidance
Info Literacy (Review)
Information Literacy-Review: 3.6
6a : 4.3.6.a: Evaluate the research process using given criteria and identify strategies for improvement with guidance
6b : 4.3.6.b: Evaluate the product using given criteria and identify areas for improvement with guidance
6c : 4.3.6.c: Gather feedback about the research process used and product created from others with guidance and respond appropriately
Reading Literacy: 4: Reading
1-Concepts of Print : Recognize and use the basic punctuation marks and understand how they add to or change the meaning of the text.
1-Phoemic Awareness : Previously mastered.
1-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Decode multisyllabic words by distinguishing common roots, affixes, and individual syllables.
2-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Recognize an increasing bank of high frequency sight words.
1-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through word study: common roots and word parts, synonyms/antonyms, homographs, and idioms.
2-Vocabulary : Determine meaning of words using contextual and structural cues.
3-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through listening, discussion, and direct teaching of words in literary, informational, and content specific texts.
4-Vocabulary : Use academic vocabulary accurately across the subject areas.
1-Fluency : Read aloud unpracticed grade level text at an appropriate rate (115 - 140 wcpm) and pace to match purpose using intonation and expression.
1-Comprehension : Summarize and sequence events, main ideas, supporting details, problems/resolutions, and identify opinions related to text.
2-Comprehension : Demonstrate comprehension by answering questions about the text. Support with literary evidence.
3-Comprehension : Develop an interpretation of texts using a variety of skills (predictions, varied connections, questions/answers, etc.) when it is both explicitly stated and implied.
4-Comprehension : Compare and contrast renditions of similar stories from different cultures as well as various imaginative, informational and persuasive forms of literature. Explore impact of author’s purpose and relate it to details in the text.
5-Comprehension : Take part in creative response to text using specific word features to enhance dramatization and oral presentations.
1-Reading to Perform a Task : Read and locate information in specialized materials and a variety of informational texts. Use structural features to strengthen comprehension. 2-Reading to Perform a Task : Read and follow multi-step directions for specific purposes.
1-Und & Using the Reading Process : Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussion.
2-Und & Using the Reading Process : Monitor comprehension and draw upon a variety of strategies as needed to strengthen understanding. Identify specific words that are causing comprehension difficulties.
Speaking & Listening
Literacy: 4: Speaking & Listening
1-Listening : Ask thoughtful questions and respond with appropriate discussion.
2-Listening : Follow detailed directions and instructions.
3-Listening : Summarize major ideas and supporting evidence presented in spoken messages and formal presentations.
1-Analysis : Identify and discuss the sound elements of literary language for intent and effect.
1-Speaking : Organize information and support with evidence and examples to convey a clear message.
2-Speaking : Engage the audience with use of volume, pitch, phrasing, pace, modulation and gestures. Maintain good eye contact when speaking.
3-Speaking : Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of details, examples, anecdotes or experiences. Present with effective introductions and conclusions.
4-Speaking : Suggested Speech length: two-four minutes.
ALT 1 - Add-Sub-Multiply-Divide Multi-digit Numbers
I can use place value and properties of operations to add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit numbers.
AST 1.1 - 4 Operations to Solve Word Problems : I can use all four operations to write, solve, and interpret word problems that involve making comparisons or using a variable.
AST 1.2 - Interpret Remainders : I can interpret remainders based on the context of a problem (ignore, round, write as a decimal or fraction).
AST 1.3 - Apply Place Value : I can apply my understanding of place value to solve problems.
AST 1.4 - Properties of Operation : I can apply the properties of operations (commutative, associative, distributive, etc.) to solve problems.
AST 1.5 - 4 Operations Multi-digit Problems : I can solve multi-digit problems, using all four operations, using a variety of strategies.
AST 1.6 - Rectangular Arrays-Area Models : I can show the relationship between multiplication and division using rectangular arrays or area models.
ALT 2 - Prime and Composite Numbers
I can identify factors and multiples of a given whole number up to 100, determining whether that number is prime or composite.
AST 2.1 - Factor Pairs 1-100 : I can find all of the factor pairs for whole numbers 1-100.
AST 2.2 - Prime-Composite Numbers : I can determine whether a whole number (1-100) is prime or composite.
AST 2.3 - Whole Numbers : I can recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors.
ALT 3 - Patterns with Unknown Rules
I can create and explain patterns with unknown rules.
AST 3.1 - Number, Symbol, or Shape Patterns : I can create and extend number, symbol, or shape patterns.
AST 3.2 - Justifying Patterns : I can justify patterns using a predetermined rule.
AST 3.3 - Describe Patterns : I can describe a pattern and identify the unknown rule.
4.3.4 : Determine the appropriate units, strategies, and tools to solving problems that involve estimating or measuring area.
4.3.5 : Connect area measure to the area model used to represent multiplication and use this to justify the formula for area of a rectangle.
4.3.6 : Find the areas of complex shapes that can be subdivided into rectangles.
4.3.7 : Solve problems involving perimeters and areas of rectangles and squares.
4.3.8 : Recognize that rectangles with the same area can have different perimeters and that rectangles with the same perimeter can have different areas.
ALT 4 - Place Value to 1 Million
I can read, write, and compare numbers with place value to a million.
AST 4.1 - ID Value of Digits : I can name each place of a number up to a million, identifying the value of each digit within.
AST 4.2 - Place Value Increase-Decrease : I understand that each place value increases by ten times to the left and decreases by ten times to the right.
AST 4.3 - Multi-digit Numbers in Varied Forms : I can read and write multi-digit numbers using standard form, expanded notation and written form.
AST 4.4. - Using Greater, Less, Equal Symbols : I can use the symbols to compare multi digit numbers (up to 1,000,000).
AST 4.5 - Rounding Numbers : I can round a number to a given place value (up to 1,000,000).
ALT 5 - Compare and Multiply Fractions
I can add, subtract, order and compare fractions and decimals and multiply fractions by whole numbers.
AST 5.1 - Equivalent Fractions : I can identify and name equivalent fractions using models and multiplication.
AST 5.2 - Order Fractions : I can order fractions with like and unlike denominators from smallest to largest.
AST 5.3 - Comparing Fractions-Same Whole : I can identify the ‘whole’ or ‘one’; comparing fractions that refer to the same whole.
AST 5.4 - Add-Subtract Fractions : I can add and subtract fractions with like denominators using models and equations.
AST 5.5 - Add a Fraction to Itself : I can repeatedly add a fraction to itself to show the results are the same as multiplying that fraction by the same number. Example: 3/6 = 1/6 1/6 1/6 or 3/6 = 3 x (1/6)
AST 5.6 - Renaming Fractions : I can rename fractions with 10 and 100 in the denominator as decimals.
AST 5.7 - Compare Fractions and Decimals : I can compare fractions and decimals.
AST 5.8 - Compare Decimals : I can compare decimals to the hundredths when they refer to the same whole.
ALT 6 - Solve Measurement Problems
I can solve problems involving measurement and measurement conversions, including distance, time, volume, mass and money.
AST 6.1 - Measurement Equivalents : I can record measurement equivalents in a two-column table including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec.
AST 6.2 - Measurement Word Problems : I can solve measurement word problems that have fractions, decimals and unit conversions.
AST 6.3 - Using Diagrams : I can use diagrams to represent measurement quantities.
AST 6.4 - Area and Perimeter : I can use formulas to compute area and perimeter.
AST 6.5 - Line Plots : I can create and use a line plot to solve addition and subtraction problems with fractions (to the nearest 1/8 of a unit).
ALT 7 - Concepts and Measurement of Angles
I can understand concepts of angles, and I can accurately measure angles.
AST 7.1 - Angle Components : I can understand that angles are composed of two rays that share an endpoint.
AST 7.2 - Benchmark Angles : I can use the benchmark angles of 90, 180, and 360 to identify acute, obtuse, and right angles.
AST 7.3 - Using a Protractor : I can use a protractor to measure angles.
AST 7.4 - Sketching an Angle : I can sketch an angle of a specified measure.
AST 7.5 - Finding Unknown Angles : I can use addition and subtraction to find unknown angles in a real-world problem.
ALT 8 - Lines and Angles
I can draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.
AST 8.1 - Points, Lines, Segments, Rays 2D Shapes : I can draw and identify points, lines, line segments and rays individually and in 2-D shapes.
AST 8.2 - Perpendicular-Parallel Lines 2D Shapes : I can draw and identify perpendicular and parallel lines in 2-D shapes.
AST 8.3 - Right, Acute, Obtuse Angles 2D Shapes : I can draw and identify right, acute, and obtuse angles individually and as part of 2-D shapes.
AST 8.4 - Classify 2D Figures : I can classify 2-D figures using my knowledge of lines and angles.
AST 8.5 - ID Right Triangles : I can identify right triangles.
AST 8.6 - Lines of Symmetry : I can identify and draw a line of symmetry and identify figures that have symmetry.
Physical Education
ELT 1 - Expressive Efficient Movement
I can demonstrate motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities and motor skill proficiency in one physical activity
EST 1.1 - Basic Locomotor Patterns : Demonstrate mature forms of basic locomotor patterns: run, gallop, slide, horizontal jump, hop, leap and skip, starting and stopping on command and in control.
EST 1.2 - Manipulative Skills : Demonstrate critical elements in manipulative skills: throw, catch, kick and strike.
EST 1.3 - Balance : I can balance, demonstrating momentary stillness, in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes on a variety of body parts.
EST 1.4 - Step Patterns : I can demonstrate three different step patterns and combinations of movements into repeatable sequences.
ELT 2 - Fitness For Lifetime
I can demonstrate knowledge of a physically active lifestyle
EST 2.1 - Changes in Body During Exercise : I can identify changes in my body during moderate to vigorous exercise.
ELT 3 - Self-Management Social Behavior
I can understand appropriate and positive behavior management (social skills) and respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity.
EST 3.1 - Identify Rules Procedures Etiquette : I can identify rules, procedures and etiquette in a specified physical activity.
EST 3.2 - Resolve Conflict : I can identify positive ways to resolve conflict. Science (SF)
ALT 1 - Describe Properties Forms of Energy
I can describe the properties of forms of energy and how objects vary in the extent to which they absorb, reflect and conduct energy. (Modified terminology targets: I can describe the properties of forms of energy. I can describe how objects absorb, reflect, and conduct energy in various ways.) (Structure and Function: Physical Science)
AST 1.1 - Describe What Energy Is : I can describe what energy is and some forms it can take.
AST 1.2 - List Forms of Energy : I can list the forms of energy (sound, light, heat, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, chemical) and what each can do.
AST 1.3 - Describe Difference Kinetic Potential : I can describe the difference between kinetic and potential energy.
AST 1.4 - Describe Light Hits Objects : I can describe what happens when light hits objects.
AST 1.5 - Explain Heat Flows From Hot to Cold : I can explain how heat flows from hot objects to cold ones.
AST 1.6 - Identify Good Conductors of Not : I can identify materials that are good conductors and ones that are not. (SF)
ALT 2 - C-C Fossils and Living Organisms
I can compare and contrast characteristics of fossils and living organisms. (Structure and Function: Life Science)
AST 2.1 - Classify Plants And Animals : I can classify plants and animals according to similarities and differences.
AST 2.2 - Explain What a Fossil Is : I can explain that a fossil is the remains or mark of a living thing from long ago.
AST 2.3 - Describe Ways Fossils Are Formed : I can describe the ways a fossil can be formed
AST 2.4 - C-C Fossil with Living Organism : I can compare and contrast a fossil with a similar living organism.
AST 2.5 - Draw Conclusions About Organisms : I can draw conclusions about organisms of the past based on their similarities and differences to living organisms.
AST 2.6 - Give Examples of Uses of Fossils : I can give examples of ways scientists use fossils to learn about the past. (SF)
ALT 3 - Identify Properties Earth Materials
I can identify properties, uses and availability of Earth materials. (Structure and Function: Earth/Space Science)
AST 3.1 - Classify Minerals By Properties : I can classify minerals by their properties.
AST 3.2 - Identify Three Categories fo Rocks : I can identify the three categories of rocks and how they are formed (also part of I & C target.)
AST 3.3 - Identify Relationship Rocks Minerals : I can identify the relationship between rocks and minerals.
AST 3.4 - Describe Properties of Soil Types : I can describe in detail the properties of different soil types.
AST 3.5 - Give Examples How Earth Materials Made : I can give examples of how Earth materials are made into useful objects.
AST 3.6 - Compare Availability of Earth Materials : I can compare the availability of different Earth materials.
AST 3.7 - C-C Objects From Nature or Humans : I can compare and contrast objects from nature and ones made or formed by humans.
(IC) ALT 4 - Describe Physical Change Matter
I can describe physical changes in matter and explain how they occur. SC.04.IC.ALT.01 (Interaction and Change: Physical Science)
AST 4.1 - Identify Physical Changes in Properties : I can identify the physical changes in the properties of a solid, liquid and gas.
AST 4.2 - Compare Objects By Physical Properties : I can compare objects based on their physical properties.
AST 4.3 - Explain Matter Changes Phases : I can explain how matter changes phases or states.
AST 4.4 - Describe Heating Cooling Affect Motion : I can describe how heating and cooling affect the motion of particles.
AST 4.5 - Give Examples of Physical Changes : I can give examples of physical changes.
AST 4.6 - Explain Physical Changes with Forces : I can explain physical changes that occur with forces (motion, temperature, and pressure).
AST 4.7 - Explain Heating and Cooling Changes : I can explain how heating and cooling can cause physical changes in matter.
(IC) ALT 5 - Describe Interactions of Organisms
I can describe the interactions of organisms and the environment where they live. (Interaction and Change: Life Science)
AST 5.1 - Name Living Non Parts of Ecosystems : I can name the living and non-living parts of different ecosystems.
AST 5.2 - Describe Habitat for Animals : I can describe the habitat for a variety of animals.
AST 5.3 - Give Examples Consumers Producers : I can give examples of different consumers, producers, and decomposers in an ecosystem.
AST 5.4 - Identify Predators and Prey : I can identify the predators and prey in different habitats.
AST 5.5 - Give Examples of Food Chain Food Web : I can give examples of a food chain or food web.
AST 5.6 - Explain Animals Interact Environment : I can explain how animals interact with each other and their environment (living and non-living) to get what they need AST 5.7 - Explain Organisms Compter For Resources : I can explain how some organisms compete for the same resources.
AST 5.8 - Describe Harmful Helpful Changes : I can describe how plants, animals and humans can cause harmful or helpful changes in an environment.
(IC) ALT 6 - C-C Changes Slow Rapid Process
I can compare and contrast the changes in the surface of the Earth that are due to slow and rapid processes. (Interaction and Change: Earth/Space Science)
AST 6.1 - Define Erosion Weathering, Deposition : I can define erosion, weathering, and deposition and explain how each can change the Earth’s surface over time.
AST 6.2 - C-C Effects of Waves, Wind, Water Ice : I can compare and contrast the effects of waves, wind, water, and ice erosion on the Earth’s surface.
AST 6.3 - Describe Effect of Volcanoes : I can describe the effect of volcanoes on the Earth’s surface.
AST 6.4 - Describe Effect of Earthquakes : I can describe the effect of earthquakes on the Earth’s surface.
AST 6.5 - C-C Slow and Rapid Changes Earth Surface : I can compare and contrast the slow and rapid changes in the Earth’s surface.
(SI) ALT 7 - Use Observations Design Investigation
I can use observations to identify testable questions and design a scientific investigation. I can then collect and record data consistent with a planned scientific investigation. (Science Inquiry)
AST 7.1 - Explain Difference Testable Non-Testable : I can explain the difference between testable and non-testable questions.
AST 7.2 - Make Careful Accurate Observations : I can make careful and accurate observations.
AST 7.3 - Ask Testable Question : I can ask a testable question based on my observations.
AST 7.4 - Plan Investigation Changes One Variable : I can plan an investigation that changes only one variable.
AST 7.5 - Collect Record Data : I can collect and record data from my observations.
(SI) ALT 8 - Summarize Results Respond Questions
I can summarize the results from a scientific investigation and use the results to respond to the question being investigated. (Science Inquiry)
AST 8.1 - Display Data in Tables Graphs : I can display data in tables and graphs.
AST 8.2 - Summarize What Learned Investigation : I can summarize what I learned from my investigation.
AST 8.3 - Use Results To Answer Testable Questions : I can use my results to answer my testable question.
(SI) ALT 9 - Explain Scientific Claims Support Arg
I can explain that scientific claims about the natural world use evidence that can be confirmed and support a logical argument. (Science Inquiry)
AST 9.1 - Support Scientific Claims With Evidence : I can support my scientific claims based on evidence.
AST 9.2 - Identify Scientific Claim Supported : I can identify when a scientific claim is supported by evidence and logic.
(ED) ALT 10 - Identify Problem Address with ED
I can identify a problem that can be addressed through engineering design using science principles. (Engineering Design)
AST 10.1 - Identify Problem to be Solved : I can identify a problem that needs to be solved.
AST 10.2 - Research About Problem : I can do research to find out more about the problem.
(ED) ALT 11 - Design Construct Test Prototype
I can design, construct, and test a prototype of a possible solution to a problem using appropriate tools, materials, and resources. (Engineering Design)
AST 11.1 - Develop Possible Solutions : I can develop possible solutions using the resources available.
AST 11.2 - Choose One Solution to Test : I can choose one solution to test.
AST 11.3 - Design Construct Prototype to Test : I can design and construct a prototype to test my solution.
AST 11.4 - Design Fair Test for Prototype : I can design a fair test for the prototype.
AST 11.5 - Plan Carry Out Investigation : I can plan and carry out an investigation to test a possible solution to the problem.
AST 11.6 - Communicate Results : I can communicate the results of my tests of my solutions.
(ED) ALT 12 - Explain Solution May Create Problem
I can explain how the solution to one problem may create other problems. Engineering Design
AST 12.1 - Identify Strengths Weaknesses : I can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a solution.
AST 12.2 - Explain Solving Problem Create Problem : I can explain how solving one problem can create another problem.
Social Studies
ALT 1 - Comp Eyewitness - 2nd Hand Account
I can compare eyewitness and secondhand accounts of an event.
AST 1.1 - Eyewitness-2nd Hand Acct : I can define and identify an eyewitness account, as well as, a secondhand account
AST 1.2 - Reading Eyewitness-2nd Hand Accts : I can read and understand an eyewitness account and a secondhand account
AST 1.3 - Similarities-Differences of Eyewitness-2nd Hand Accts : I can find and list the similarities and differences between an eyewitness account and a secondhand account
AST 1.4 - Analyze Similarities - Differences : I can analyze similarities and differences to draw conclusions.
ALT 2 - Sequence of Events
I can describe the sequence of events in current and historical accounts.
AST 2.1 - Read Historical Accts : I can read and understand current and historical accounts.
AST 2.2 - Chronological Order : I can list current and historical events in chronological order.
AST 2.3 - Understanding Timelines : I can read and understand a timeline in order to sequence current and historical events.
AST 2.4 - Using Timelines : I can use timelines to evaluate patterns of changes over time in current and historical events.
ALT 3 - Oregon History
I can analyze historical accounts related to Oregon to understand cause-and effect.
AST 3.1 - Reading Oregon History : I can read and understand an event in Oregon history.
AST 3.2 - Cause-Effect of Historical Event : I can identify the cause and effect of a historical event.
AST 3.3 - Events in Oregon History : I can analyze the effect (how) and cause (why) of an event in Oregon history.
AST 3.4 - Evidence-based Conclusion : Using multiple accounts of an event, I can analyze the causes and effects, to create an evidence-based conclusion.
Ethics & Citizenship
Technology: 4: Ethics & Citizenship
1 : Advocate and practice safe, responsible use of information and technology
2 : Use safe and correct security procedures and recognize the potential harm of intrusive applications (e.g. viruses, spyware, pop-up windows)
3 : Demonstrate responsible use of technological equipment and software as outlined in the acceptable use statement from the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook
4 : Understand and adhere to ethical and legal use of copyright, licensing, and fair use laws
5 : Demonstrate ethical behaviors when using technology (e.g. legal and appropriate downloading)
6 : Respect self, other users, and digital property (e.g. plagiarism, cyberbullying, privacy)
7 : Participate in discussions addressing respect for self and other users
8 : Demonstrate respect for existing desktop configuration, system preferences and user's properties such as assignments, projects and information storage systems
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Technology: 4: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
1 : Integrate information with appropriate technology to make informed decisions and solve problems
2 : Select appropriate technology independently to answer questions
3 : Plan and manage tasks to develop solutions and complete projects
4 : Choose and follow a teacher directed project plan from a list (e.g. storyboard, note cards, graphic organizers, etc.)
Creative Use of Tech
Technology: 4: Creative Use of Tech
1 : Use technology as a means to develop innovative products that reflect originality and self-expression
2 : Use multimedia tools to create an original product
Communication & Collaboration
Technology: 4: Communication & Collaboration
1 : Present information and ideas effectively to a variety of audiences
2 : Use a variety of developmentally appropriate media elements to communicate learning in a teacher selected application (e.g. student produced or stock sound, graphics, video, text)
3 : Use design elements that contribute to an effective presentation for target audiences
4 : Effectively collaborate locally and globally
5 : Use communication tools identified by the teacher to gather and share information with various audiences
Technology: 4: Research
1 : Locate, organize, analyze, and cite information from a variety of sources and media
2 : Use district online library resources to gain information on a topic in a teacher guided lesson
3 : Identify the source and date of an electronic resource
4 : Critically evaluate validity of resources
5 : Discuss the importance of knowing the author, date, and source of web based information
Tech Operations Technology:
4: Tech Operations
1 : Understand and operate systems and applications
2 : Use multiple applications for different purposes
3 : Troubleshoot systems and applications
4 : Use self-directed strategies to solve hardware and software problems
5 : Store and access documents in different formats from various locations
6 : Manage storage space effectively
7 : Identify common file extensions
Technology: 4: Keyboarding
1 : Keyboard using correct hand position and posture at 10 words per minute with 90% accuracy
5th Grade
5th Grade Learning Targets
(3-5) BLT 1 - Responsibility
Manages responsibilities as a student
BST 1.1 - Use of Class Time : Uses class time appropriately.
BST 1.2 - Preparation : Prepares for class with necessary materials and is ready to learn
BST 1.3 - Follows Directions : Follows directions timely and accurately
BST 1.4 - Quality Work : Demonstrates quality work
BST 1.5 - Breaks Down Tasks : Breaks down large tasks into smaller, manageable parts
BST 1.6 - Organization System : Uses a system for organizing assignments
BST 1.7 - Safety : Makes safe and appropriate choices
(3-5) BLT 2 - Self Directs
Self-directs Learning
BST 2.1 - Use of Rubrics : Uses rubrics to accurately assess progress toward learning targets
BST 2.2 - Plan to Achieve Goals : Develops a plan to achieve goals, with teacher support
BST 2.3 - Persists : Persists with a task over time
BST 2.4 - Finds Help : Utilizes a variety of sources to find help
BST 2.5 - Advocates for Self : Advocates for self
(3-5) BLT 3 - Group Work
Communicates and works effectively within a team or group
BST 3.2 - Listening Respectfully : Listens respectfully and acknowledges the contributions of others.
BST 3.1 - Active Participation : Actively participates in group work
BST 3.3 - Sharing Ideas : Shares ideas clearly
BST 3.4 - Safe Environment : Contributes to creating a safe learning environment
BST 3.5 - Adapts to Changes : Adapts to changes in the group process with a positive attitude
BST 3.6 - Respect : Respects different points of view
Fine Arts - Visual Arts
ALT 1 - Create, Present, Perform
I can apply ideas, techniques and processes in the arts.
AST 1.1 - Technical Skill : I can create, present and perform works of art by using experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting, and/or performing works of art.
AST 1.2 - Creative Process : I can apply the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving to the creative process and analyze the infl uence that choices have on the result.
AST 1.3 - Artistic Voice-Communication : I can express ideas, moods, and feelings through the arts.
AST 1.4 - Critique-Evaluation : I can evaluate one’s own work orally and in writing.
ALT 2 - Aesthetics and Criticism
I can respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic criteria.
AST 2.1 - Critical Analysis : I can apply critical analysis to works of art.
AST 2.2 - Personal Evaluation : I can respond to works of art and give reasons for preferences.
AST 2.3 - Interdisciplinary Relationship : I understand the interrelationships among art forms and between arts and other content areas.
ALT 3 - Historical and Cultural Perspectives
I can understand the relationship of works of art to their social, historical and cultural contexts, and the influence of the arts on individuals, communities and cultures.
AST 3.1 - Context : I understand how events and conditions influence the arts.
AST 3.2 - Compare and Contrast : Distinguish works of art from different societies, time periods and cultures.
AST 3.3 - Personal Interpretation : Understand how the arts can reflect the environment and personal experiences within a society or culture, and apply to one’s own work.
AST 3.4 - Global and Interdisciplinary Connections : I understand the place of the arts within, and their influences on, society.
AST 3.5 - Human Experience and Tech Development : Describe how the arts can influence individuals, communities and cultures.
Physical Education
ELT 1 - Expressive Efficient Movement
I can demonstrate motor skill competency in a variety of physical activities and motor skill proficiency in one physical activity
EST 1.1 - Basic Locomotor Patterns : Demonstrate mature forms of basic locomotor patterns: run, gallop, slide, horizontal jump, hop, leap and skip, starting and stopping on command and in control.
EST 1.2 - Manipulative Skills : Demonstrate critical elements in manipulative skills: throw, catch, kick and strike.
EST 1.3 - Balance : I can balance, demonstrating momentary stillness, in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes on a variety of body parts.
EST 1.4 - Step Patterns : I can demonstrate three different step patterns and combinations of movements into repeatable sequences.
ELT 2 - Fitness For Lifetime
I can demonstrate knowledge of a physically active lifestyle
EST 2.1 - Changes in Body During Exercise : I can identify changes in my body during moderate to vigorous exercise.
ELT 3 - Self-Management Social Behavior
I can understand appropriate and positive behavior management (social skills) and respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity.
EST 3.1 - Identify Rules Procedures Etiquette : I can identify rules, procedures and etiquette in a specified physical activity.
EST 3.2 - Resolve Conflict : I can identify positive ways to resolve conflict.
Fine Arts - Elem Music
Create, Present, and Perform
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
Technical Skill-1 : Use prior experiences to apply musical elements - beat, tempo, pitch, dynamics, rhythm, melody, harmony, form.
Technical Skill-2 : Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns on an instrument.
Technical Skill-3 : Create a song.
Technical Skill-4 : Use pitch, dynamics, rhythm, tempo, tone, phrasing and harmony to sing in ensemble and/or independently.
Technical Skill-5 : While singing, use correct posture, tone quality, breathing, diction, and dynamics and respond to the cues of a conductor
Technical Skill-6 : Explore, identify and play rhythmic and melodic instruments, responding to the cues of a conductor
Technical Skill-7 : Identify symbols of music notation: quarter note, eighth note, whole note, half note, dotted half note, quarter rest, sta! , treble clef, dynamic markings, and time signatures.
Technical Skill-8 : Follow procedures for using and maintaining materials, equipment and space.
Creative Process-1 : Use creative thinking, musical skills and problem solving skills to create music and discuss choices made
Artistic Voice/Comm-1 : Create and/or perform music that communicates an idea, feeling, or mood.
Critique/Evaluation-1 : Critique one’s own work using arts vocabulary based on self-selected criteria
Aesthetics and Criticism
Respond to and analyze works of art, based on essential elements, organizational principles, and aesthetic criteria.
Critical Analysis-1 : Identify artistic elements and organization that can be used to describe a piece of music.
Critical Analysis-2 : Identify the instrument “families” and name four instruments in each family.
Critical Analysis-3 : Use arts vocabulary to explain how the essential elements of music are used in a performance.
Personal Evaluation-1 : Explain how essential elements and organization of musical works and styles affect personal preferences.
Interdisciplinary Relat-1 : Identify organization and elements from various art disciplines that are used in an integrated work. Interdisciplinary
Relat-2 : Discuss ways in which music and other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated.
Interdisciplinary Relat-3 : Describe similarities and differences in the meanings of common terms used in music and other disciplines
Historical and Cultural Perspectives
Apply ideas, techniques, and processes in the arts.
Context-1 : Describe a personal, shared or world experience or event that influences music.
Compare/Contrast-1 : Compare the characteristics of music from other cultures and time periods
Personal Interp-1 : Identify how a composer or performer from another historic period reflects his/her environment, society and culture
Personal Interp-2 : Describe how a personal experience is reflected in one’s own music
Global/ Interdisciplinary Conn-1 : Identify and discuss common characteristics in various musical careers.
Global/ Interdisciplinary Conn-2 : Describe characteristics that make music fit t a purpose or need of a community or culture
Global/ Interdisciplinary Conn-3 : Describe how music, art, drama and dance connect within a culture and time period
Influence Human Experience/Tech Dev-1 : Describe an example of when music influences a community or culture
English Lang Arts
(Writing) ALT 1 - Opinion Pieces
I can write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
AST 1.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create a logical organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support my purpose.
AST 1.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can provide logically ordered reasons for my opinion that are supported by facts and details.
AST 1.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., consequently, specifically) to link opinions and reasons.
AST 1.4 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a concluding section or statement related to my opinion.
(Writing) ALT 2 - Informative-Explanatory Texts
I can write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic to convey ideas and information clearly.
AST 2.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can introduce a topic, provide a general focus, group related information, and include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, or multimedia when useful.
AST 2.2 - Supporting Details : I can use facts, definitions, details, quotations or other relevant information to develop a topic.
AST 2.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use phrases and clauses to link ideas within and across categories (e.g., in contrast, especially).
AST 2.4 - Precise Language : Precise Language: I use precise language and topic-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
AST 2.5 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a concluding statement or section related to information or explanation presented.
(Writing) ALT 3 - Narrative
I can write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using descriptive details and clear sequences.
AST 3.1 - Focus and Organizational Structure : Focus and Organizational Structure: I can establish a situation, introduce a narrator and/or characters, and organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.
AST 3.2 - Elaboration : Elaboration: I can use dialogue, descriptions and pacing to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations. AST 3.3 - Transition : Transition: I can use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage sequence of events.
AST 3.4 - Precise Language : Precise Language: I can use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.
AST 3.5 - Conclusion : Conclusion: I can provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences and events.
(Language) ALT 4 - Standard English Grammar
I can demonstrate command of standard English grammar when writing or speaking.
AST 4.1 - Conjunction, Preposition, Interjection : I can explain the function of conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections in general and their function in particular sentences.
AST 4.2 - Perfect Verb Tenses : Form and use the perfect (e.g., I had walked; I have walked; I will have walked) verb tenses.
AST 4.3 - Sequence-States-Conditions : Use verb tense to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions.
AST 4.4 - Inappropriate Verb Shifts : Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense.
AST 4.5 - Correlative Conjunctions : Use correlative conjunctions (e.g., either/or, neither/nor).
(Language) ALT 5 - Conventions
I can demonstrate command of conventions of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
AST 5.1 - Punctuation to Separate : Use punctuation to separate items in a series.*
AST 5.2 - Comma Use in Intro : Use a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence.
AST 5.3 - Comma Use to Set Off Words : Use a comma to set off the words yes and no (e.g., Yes, thank you), to set off a tag question from the rest of the sentence (e.g., It’s true, isn’t it?), and to indicate direct address (e.g., Is that you, Steve?).
AST 5.4 - Underlining, Quotes, Italics : Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of works.
AST 5.5 - Grade-appropriate Spelling : Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
ALT 1 - Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Health: 5: 1-Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs
AST 1.1 - Reliable Health Resources ATOD : I can locate reliable health resources to gather information on ATOD use. (AI)
AST 1.2 - Advertising Used to Sell ATOD : I can identify advertising techniques used to sell alcohol and tobacco products. (INF)
AST 1.3 - Decision Making Skills ATOD Free : I can demonstrate decision-making skills to be ATOD free. (DM)
AST 1.4 - Refusal Skills Avoid ATOD : I can demonstrate verbal and nonverbal refusal skills to avoid ATOD use. (IC)
AST 1.5 - Create Advocacy Campaign : I can create an advocacy campaign at school to follow school rules regarding tobacco and alcohol use. (AV,*)
ALT 2 - Prevention and Control of Disease
Health: 5: 2-Prevention & Control of Disease
AST 2.1 - Advocate Taking Care of Physical Health : I can advocate the importance of taking care of one’s physical health. (AV)
AST 2.2 - HIV Transmitted : I can explain how HIV is transmitted and prevented. (CC)
ALT 3 - Environmental Health
Health: 5: 3-Environmental Health
AST 3.1 - Protect from UV Radiation : I can demonstrate ways to protect oneself from UV radiation and other harmful substances, such as environmental chemicals. (SM)
ALT 4 - Healthy Eating
Health: 5: 4-Healthy Eating
AST 4.1 - Healthful Eating Habits : I can explain how healthful eating habits can lead to wellness. (CC,*)
AST 4.2 - Explain USDA Guidelines : I can explain the food groups, nutrients and serving size in the USDA recommended guidelines. (CC)
AST 4.3 - Balance Food Intake Physical Activity : I can demonstrate the ability to balance food intake and physical activity. (CC)
AST 4.4 - Identify Food Choices : I can identify how food choices are influenced by culture, family, media, technology, peers, body image, and emotions. (INF)
AST 4.5 - Short-Term Goal Healthy Eating : I can develop a short-term goal with a family member for healthy eating and track progress. (GS)
AST 4.6 - Media Cultural Family Influence Eating : I can describe how media, cultural and family influences encourage healthy eating practices. (INF,*)
AST 4.7 - Importance Drinking Water : I can explain the importance of drinking plenty of water. (CC)
ALT 5 - Mental, Social and Emotional Health
Health: 5: 5-Mental, Social & Emotional Health
AST 5.1 - Personal Strengths Positive Self Image : I can identify personal strengths that contribute to a positive self-image. (SM)
AST 5.2 - Communicate Respectfully Assertively : I can demonstrate ways to communicate respectfully and assertively. (IC)
AST 5.3 - Talk about Mental Emotional Health : I can identify appropriate people to talk to about mental and emotional health issues, concerns, and worries. (AI)
ALT 6 - Sexual Health
Health: 5: 6-Sexual Health
AST 6.1 - Refusal Skills Inappropriate Touching : I can demonstrate ways to refuse and report if someone is touching you inappropriately. (IC,*)
AST 6.2 - Hygiene During Puberty : I can identify health practices and hygiene during puberty. (CC)
AST 6.3 - Changes During Puberty : I can describe physical, social and emotional changes that occur during puberty. (CC,*)
ALT 7 - Unintentional Injury Prevention
Health: 5: 7-Unintentional Injury Prevention
AST 7.1 - Refusal Skills Unsafe Situations : I can demonstrate refusal skills when confronted with unsafe, dangerous, or inappropriate situations. (IC)
AST 7.2 - Describe Home Emergency Plan : I can describe home emergency plan with family members. (SM)
ALT 8 - Violence Prevention
Health: 5: 8-Violence Prevention
AST 8.1 - Preventing Violence : I can explain the role problem-solving, anger management, and impulse control have on preventing violence. (CC,*)
AST 8.2 - What Say Do Bullying : I can demonstrate what to say and do if someone is bullying others. (IC)
AST 8.3 - Avoid Violent Situations : I can demonstrate a variety of clear communication skills and peer resistance skills to avoid violent situations. (IC)
AST 8.4 - Advocate Respect for Diversity : I can advocate respect for diversity. (AV)
Library and Info Lit
Reading Engagement Reading Engagement: 1
1-Reading Engagement : 5.1.1 Use library catalog to locate materials in other Beaverton school libraries for reading enjoyment and information needs
2-Reading Engagement : 5.1.2: Make varied connections to respond to literature and demonstrate comprehension
3-Reading Engagement : 5.1.3: Use a variety of sources and formats to find and share recommendations for reading materials
4-Reading Engagement : 5.1.4: Use the Dewey Decimal system to locate nonfiction and reference materials and explore various genres of literature for learning and enjoyment
5-Reading Engagement : 5.1.5: Describe how an author or illustrator's background and culture influence his/her work
Social Responsibility Social Responsibility: 2
1-Social Responsibility : 5.2.1: Follow appropriate personal privacy and safety guidelines when chatting, encountering strangers or providing information online and identify strategies for responsibly dealing with cyberbullying
2-Social Responsibility : 5.2.2: Practice ethical and legally responsible ways of using information and technology, including citing sources of information and developing awareness of copyright law and fair use guidelines
3-Social Responsibility : 5.2.3: Begin to identify inaccurate or biased information
4-Social Responsibility : 5.2.4: Explore the diversity of ideas and experiences represented in literature and understand the principles of intellectual freedom
5-Social Responsibility : 5.2.5: Use appropriate library behavior and assist others as needed
6-Social Responsibility : 5.2.6: Handle library materials appropriately, return them on time and take responsibility for damaged or lost materials
Info Literacy (Question)
Information Literacy-Question: 3.1
1a : 5.3.1.a: Identify and describe the research task
1b : 5.3.1.b: Identify and record prior knowledge and assess for relevance
1c : 5.3.1.c: Write the essential research question
1d : 5.3.1.d: Identify subtopics and develop and refine supporting questions with guidance
Info Literacy (Plan)
Information Literacy-Plan: 3.2
2a : 5.3.2.a: Understand the assigned format is for a specific purpose and audience
2b : 5.3.2.b: Review information needed with guidance, considering end product and audience
2c : 5.3.2.c: Decide with guidance which print, non-print and electronic sources and/or experts will be most useful to answer research questions
2d : 5.3.2.d: Identify keywords and search strategies with guidance
2e : 5.3.2.e Understand and follow the predetermined research plan and timeline
Info Literacy (Gather)
Information Literacy-Gather: 3.3
3a : 5.3.3.a: Locate and access print, non-print and electronic sources and/or experts with guidance
3b : 5.3.3.b: Scan organizational features of print and electronic resources with modeling to determine where to skim for relevant information
3c : 5.3.3.c: Evaluate the accuracy of information based on reliability and point of view of the source
3d : 5.3.3.d: Record notes using paraphrasing, summarizing, and/or quotations and document information needed to create citations
3e : 5.3.3.e: Seek help using reference resources available from school and public libraries
Info Literacy (Sort)
Information Literacy-Sort: 3.4
4a : 5.3.4.a: Review the information gathered with guidance to determine usefulness in answering the research questions
4b : 5.3.4.b: Use sequencing, webbing or other strategies to organize and integrate useful information
4c : 5.3.4.c: Review organized information to ensure the research questions have been answered
4d : 5.3.4.d: Review research process plan and revise the questions, resources, and/or strategies as needed with guidance
Info Literacy (Share)
Information Literacy-Share: 3.5
5a : 5.3.5.a: Create an original product using the selected information and ideas
5b : 5.3.5.b: Design and develop a final product that demonstrates factual and conceptual understanding and addresses the essential research question
5c : 5.3.5.c: Present information effectively to intended audience
5d : 5.3.5.d: Create a works cited document with guidance
Info Literacy (Review)
Information Literacy-Review: 3.6
6a : 5.3.6.a: Evaluate the research process using teacher criteria and self selected goals and identify strategies for improvement
6b : 5.3.6.b: Evaluate the product using teacher criteria and self-selected goals and identify areas for improvement
6c : 5.3.6.c: Gather feedback about the research process used and product created from others and respond appropriately
Literacy: 5: Reading
1-Concepts of Print : Previously mastered.
1-Phoemic Awareness : Previously mastered.
1-Phonics, Decoding & Word Recognition : Recognize an increasing bank of high frequency sight words.
1-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through word study: word origins, less common roots and word parts, synonyms/antonyms, homographs, and figurative expressions.
2-Vocabulary : Determine meaning of words using contextual and structural cues.
3-Vocabulary : Develop vocabulary through listening, discussion, and direct teaching of words in literary, informational, and content specific texts.
4-Vocabulary : Use academic vocabulary accurately across the subject areas.
1-Fluency : Read aloud unpracticed grade level text at appropriate rate (125-150 wcpm) and pace to match purpose. Use expression and intonation that matches text.
1-Comprehension : Summarize and sequence events, main ideas, supporting details, facts, plot, and influence of specific events on future actions.
2-Comprehension : Demonstrate comprehension by answering to questions about the text. Support with literary evidence.
3-Comprehension : Develop an interpretation of texts using a variety of skills such as predictions, varied connections, and questions/answers, etc. Support ideas with both explicitly stated and implied textual evidence.
4-Comprehension : Evaluate new information using known information, literary elements/devices, and differentiate between different forms of literary and informational text. Support with textual evidence.
5-Comprehension : Take part in creative response to text using specific features of words and fluency skills to enhance dramatization and oral presentations.
1-Reading to Perform a Task : Read and locate information in specialized materials and a variety of informational texts. Use structural features to strengthen comprehension.
2-Reading to Perform a Task : Read and follow multi-step directions for specific purposes.
1-Und & Using the Reading Process : Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through class and/or small group interpretive discussion across multiple subject areas.
2-Und & Using the Reading Process : Monitor comprehension and draw upon a variety of strategies as needed to strengthen understanding. Identify specific words that are causing comprehension difficulties.
1-Und-Usg Lit Forms-Genres : Listen to, read, and respond to a wide variety of significant works of literature from a variety of cultures and time periods. Match reading to purpose.
Speaking & Listening
Literacy: 5: Speaking & Listening
1-Listening : Ask relevant questions that seek information not already discussed.
2-Listening : Follow detailed directions and instructions.
3-Listening : Interpret and make inferences based on an oral report. 1
-Analysis : Identify and discuss the purpose and roles of media.
1-Speaking : Organize information to support with evidence and examples to convey a clear message.
2-Speaking : Engage the audience with use of volume, pitch, phrasing, pace and modulation; facial expressions and gestures. Maintain good eye contact when speaking.
3-Speaking : Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of technical words that support clear understanding. Present with effective introductions and conclusions.
4-Speaking : Suggested Speech length: two-five minutes.
ALT 1 - All Operations-Decimals to 100th Place
I can apply my understanding of all operations to fluently solve problems involving decimals to the hundredths place.
AST 1.1 - Numeric Expressions Grouping Symbols : I can write, interpret, and solve numeric expressions that use grouping symbols.
AST 1.2 Order of Operations : I can use the order of operations to solve problems.
AST 1.3 Numeric Expressions : I can write numeric expressions that are described in word problems that may include parentheses, brackets, and/or braces.
AST 1.4 - Interpreting Numeric Expression : I can interpret the meaning of a numeric expression without solving it.
AST 1.5 - Estimating : I can develop an estimate, when given a problem where I need to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals, to help me approximate an answer. AST 1.6 - Create a Visual Math Model : I can create a model (examples include: grid paper, base 10 blocks, number line, money, and meter stick) to visually show the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals to the hundredths place.
AST 1.7 - Justifying Answer Based on Model : I can write an explanation of the strategy I used (for adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing decimals) and provide justification of an answer based on the model used.
AST 1.8 - Convert Metric Units : I can demonstrate how to convert among different–sized metric measurement units using multiplication and division of decimals.
ALT 2 - Coordinate Plane System
I can understand the coordinate plane system and use my understanding to graph and interpret points on a coordinate grid.
AST 2.1 - 2 Numerical Patterns : I can create two numerical patterns given two rules.
AST 2.2 - Relationship 2 Patterns : I can describe the relationships between the two patterns.
AST 2.3 - Forming Ordered Pairs : I can form ordered pairs from the numerical pattern.
AST 2.4 - Graph Data on a Coordinate Plane : I can graph the data on a coordinate plane (line graph).
AST 2.5 - Making a Line Plot : I can make a line plot to display a set of data involving fractions of a unit (1/2, ?, 1/8).
AST 2.6 - Calculating Data : Determine the most appropriate form of the quotient and interpret the remainder in a problem situation.
AST 2.7 - Coordinate Pairs (Positive Numbers) : I can place coordinate pairs on a coordinate plane in quadrant one (positive numbers only).
AST 2.8 - Graphing Data and Analyzing : I can solve a real world or mathematical problem by graphing data on a coordinate plane and analyzing.
ALT 3 - Integrating Decimals
I can integrate decimals into the place value system.
AST 3.1 - Digits and 10x the Value : I can recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right. AST 3.2 - Place Value-Metric Measurement : I can apply my understanding of place value and relate it to metric measurement.
AST 3.3 - Convert Metric Measurement : I can convert among different sized metric measurement units using the base-ten system.
AST 3.4 - Digit 1/10 Value to Left : I can recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.
AST 3.5 - Multiply by Power of 10 : I can multiply a number by powers of 10.
AST 3.6 - Describe Patterns-Number of 0s : I can describe the patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10.
AST 3.7 - Exponent and Placement of Decimal : I can describe the pattern between the exponent and the placement of the decimal when multiplying and dividing a number by a power of 10.
AST 3.8 - Write in Standard Notation-Pwrs of 10 : I can write numbers in standard notation as powers of 10.
AST 3.9 - Standard Notation-Pwrs of 10 : I can write powers of 10 in standard notation.
AST 3.10 - Decimals to the Thousandths Place : I can read and write decimals to the thousandths place.
AST 3.11 - Expanded Form : I can write and explain what each digit represents in expanded form.
AST 3.12 - Compare Decimals to Thousandths Place : I can compare decimals to the thousandths place.
AST 3.13 - Comparisons of Decimals Using Symbols : I can show comparisons of decimals to the thousandths place by using the symbols , or =.
AST 3.14 - Rounding Decimals : I can demonstrate my understanding of place value to round decimals to any place.
ALT 4 - Divide 4-dig Dividend and 2-dig Divisor
I can divide using a 4-digit dividend and 2-digit divisor.
AST 4.1 - Convert Metric Measurement : I can demonstrate how to convert among different–sized metric measurement units using multiplication of whole numbers.
AST 4.2 - Whole Number Division Problems : I can solve whole-number division problems (up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors) using a variety of strategies, such as: place value, properties of operations, and/or area models.
AST 4.3 - Relationship between Multiplication-Division : I can show the relationship between multiplication and division to solve and explain division problems.
AST 4.4 - Construct an Equation : I can construct an equation to justify my calculations from a story problem.
AST 4.5 - Number or Size of Groups : I can identify whether the divisor represents the number of groups or the size of groups.
AST 4.6 - Interpret Remainder : I can interpret the meaning of the remainder in a story problem.
AST 4.7 - Metric and Division of Whole Numbers : I can demonstrate how to convert among different–sized metric measurement units using division of whole numbers.
ALT 5 - Add-Subtract Fractions
I can fluently add and subtract fractions.
AST 5.1 - Like Denominators : I can find like denominators to add and subtract fractions.
AST 5.2 - Visual Models for Add-Sub : I can create and use visual models to represent fraction addition and subtraction.
AST 5.3 - Add-Subtract Fractions : I can solve problems in context using adding and subtracting of fractions.
AST 5.4 - Use Number Sense : I can use number sense and benchmark fractions to estimate fractions sums and differences.
AST 5.5 - Estimate and Reasonable Answers : I can use my estimates to decide if my answers are reasonable.
ALT 6 - Multiply Divide Fractions
I can multiply and divide fractions (unit fraction divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions).
AST 6.1 - Use Visual Models : I can use visual models to explain multiplying by a fraction as determining a part of another number.
AST 6.2 - Area of a Rectangle : I can justify that the area of a rectangle with fractional side-lengths can be found by multiplying length by width.
AST 6.3 - Fractions, Mixed and Whole Numbers : I can create and solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions, mixed numbers and whole numbers. AST 6.4 - Multiplying by Less than 1 : I can explain why multiplying by a fraction less than 1 will result in a smaller number.
AST 6.5 - Fraction Visual Models : I can use visual models to show that a fraction is the result of dividing the numerator by the denominator.
AST 6.6 - Story Problems for Division : I can solve story problems for division of whole numbers by whole numbers that give fraction and mixed number quotients.
AST 6.7 - Dividing Unit Fraction by Whole Number : I can create and solve story problems for dividing a unit fraction (?, ?, ?, ?, etc.) by a whole number and use a visual model to show the quotient.
AST 6.8 - Dividing Whole Number by Unit Fraction : I can create and solve story problems for dividing a whole number by a unit fraction (?, ?, ?, ?, etc.) and use a visual model to show the quotient.
AST 6.9 - Division Multiplication Unit Fractions : I can use the relationship between division and multiplications to justify my answers to division problems involving unit fractions.
ALT 7 - Volume and Right Rectangular Prisms
I can explain volume and solve problems involving volume of right rectangular prisms.
AST 7.1 - Define Volume : I can define volume as a solid figure packed with no gaps.
AST 7.2 - Determine Volume of an Object : I can determine the volume of an object using cubic units, cubic inches, cubic centimeters, cubic feet.
AST 7.3 - Volume of a Right Rectangular Prism : I can determine the volume of a right rectangular prism by packing it with unit cubes.
AST 7.4 - Apply the Formula V = l x w x h : I can apply the formula V = l x w x h to rectangular prisms to find volume.
AST 7.5 - Area of a Rectangular Base : I can determine the area of a rectangular base in a three dimensional object.
AST 7.6. - Finding Volume in Rectangular Prism : I can apply the formula V = b x h for rectangular prisms to find volume.
AST 7.7 - Solve Irregular 3D Objects : I can solve irregular three dimensional objects by separating them into separate parts that are regular rectangular prisms, find each of their volumes and add the results together.
ALT 8 - Classify 2D Figures
I can classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.
AST 8.1 - Attributes of a 2D Polygon : I can list attributes (properties) of a given two-dimensional polygon.
AST 8.2 - Categorize Polygons : I can categorize polygons based on their attributes.
AST 8.3 - Hierarchy of 2D Figures : I can create a hierarchy based on the property of two-dimensional figures.
Science (SF)
ALT 1 - Explain Organisms Composed of Parts
I can explain that organisms are composed of parts that function together to form a living system (Structure and Function: Life Science)
AST 1.1 - List Similarities Differences Plants : I can list similarities and differences in the structures and functions of parts of plants.
AST 1.2 - List Similarities Differences Animals : I can list similarities and differences in the structures and functions of parts of animals.
AST 1.3 - Identify Structures of Plants Animals : I can identify the structures of plants and animals that allow for reproduction.
AST 1.4 - Identify Respiration Circulation : I can identify the structures for respiration and circulation in plants and animals.
AST 1.5 - C-C Jobs of Parts of Organism : I can compare and contrast the jobs of different parts of an organism.
AST 1.6 - Describe Function of Parts of Body : I can describe the function of different parts body systems. (SF)
ALT 2 - Describe Sun Earth Moon System
I can describe the Sun-Earth-Moon system. (Structure and Function: Earth/Space Science)
AST 2.1 - Describe How Earth Moves : I can describe how the Earth moves.
AST 2.2 - Describe How Tilt Earths Axis Seasons : I can describe how the tilt of the Earth’s axis results in seasons.
AST 2.3 - Explain Sun Moon Stars Appear : I can explain why the sun, moon and stars appear to move across the sky.
AST 2.4 - Identify Phases of the Moon : I can identify the phases of the moon.
AST 2.5 - Explain the Reason for Night and Day : I can explain the reason for night and day.
AST 2.6 - Describe Pattern Sunrise Moon Sunset : I can describe the daily pattern of sunrise, noon, sunset and night.
AST 2.7 - Describe Path Sun Appears in Sky : I can describe the path of how the sun appears in the sky throughout the year. (IC)
ALT 3 - Describe Friction Gravity Magnetic
I can describe how friction, gravity and magnetic forces affect objects on or near the Earth. (Interaction and Change: Physical Science)
AST 3.1 - Explain Fore of Gravity : I can explain the force of gravity on objects on or near the Earth.
AST 3.2 - Describe Change in Force Affects Motion : I can describe how a change in force affects motion.
AST 3.3 - Compare Change in Mass Affect Motion : I can compare how a change in mass can affect motion.
AST 3.4 - Explain Effect of Friction on Motion : I can explain the effect of friction on motion.
AST 3.5 - Define Give Examples of Force of Gravity : I can define and give examples of the force of gravity.
AST 3.6 - Define Give Examples of Force Magnetism : I can define and give examples of the force of magnetism.
AST 3.7 - C-C Effect of Magnets on Magnets : I can compare and contrast the effect of magnets on objects and to other magnets. (IC)
ALT 4 - Explain Interdependence of Plants
I can explain the interdependence of plants, animals, and environment and how adaptation influences survival. (Interaction and Change: Life Science)
AST 4.1 - Describe Adaptations Plant Animal Parts : I can describe adaptations of plant and animal parts (including humans) and how those adaptations increase survival.
AST 4.2 - Describe Adaptations in Behavior : I can describe adaptations in the behavior of plants and animals (including humans) and how those adaptations increase survival.
AST 4.3 - Describe Organisms Niche : I can describe an organism’s niche in an ecosystem.
AST 4.4 - Identify Ecosystems Organisms Live : I can identify some ecosystems in which organisms live and interact.
AST 4.5 - Explain Environments Change : I can explain how environments change.
AST 4.6 - Give Examples of Humans Impact : I can give examples of how humans impact ecosystems.
AST 4.7 - Explain Suns Energy Passes Organism : I can explain how energy from the sun passes from organism to organism within a food chain or food web.
(IC) ALT 5 - Explain Sun Energy Affects Weather
I can explain how energy from the sun affects Earth’s weather and climate. (Interaction and Change: Earth/Space Science)
AST 5.1 - Explain Suns Effect on Water Cycle : Explain Suns Effect on Water Cycle
AST 5.2 - Define Air Temperature Pressure Humidity : I can define air temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation.
AST 5.3 - Identify Factors Determine Weather : I can identify the factors that determine weather.
AST 5.4 - Describe Factors Affect Climate : I can describe the factors that affect climate, such as latitude, elevation, and distance from water on climate.
AST 5.5 - Describe Sun Affects Wind Patterns : I can describe how the sun affects the different wind patterns.
AST 5.6 - Know Difference Climate Weather : I know the difference between climate and weather.
AST 5. 7 - Explain Earths Tilt Seasons Weather : I can explain how the tilt of the Earth affects the seasons and weather.
(SI) ALT 6 - Use Observations Identify Questions
I can use observations and scientific principles to identify questions that can be tested, design an experiment or investigation and identify appropriate tools. I can then collect and record multiple observations while conducting investigations or experiments to test a scientific question or hypothesis. (Science Inquiry)
AST 6.1 - Form Questions Based on Observations : I can form questions/ hypotheses based upon observations I have made or prior knowledge I have.
AST 6.2 - Identify Questions To Be Tested : I can identify questions that can be tested
AST 6.3 - Design Investigation : Design Investigation
AST 6.4 - Identify Appropriate Tools : I can identify appropriate tools.
AST 6.5 - Collect Record Observations : I can collect and record multiple observations.
AST 6.6 - Collect Data of Experiment : I can collect data on an experiment.
(SI) ALT 7 - Identify Problem Patterns
I can identify a problem patterns in data that support a reasonable explanation for the results of an investigation or experiment. I can communicate these findings using graphs, charts, maps, models and oral written reports. (Science Inquiry)
AST 7.1 - Read Interpret Data : I can read and interpret data.
AST 7.2 - Identify Patterns in Data Explain : I can identify patterns in data that explain a reasonable explanation.
AST 7.3 - Communicate Findings : I can communicate my findings using graphs, charts, and oral and written reports.
AST 7.4 - Use Data Support Conclusions : I can use my data to support conclusions I make.
(SI) ALT 8 - Explain Similar Invest Different Results
I can explain the reasons why similar investigations may have different results. (Science Inquiry)
AST 8.1 - Compare Results Investigation Another : I can compare the results of one investigation to another.
AST 8.2 - Explain Possibility Different Results : I can explain why it is possible to get different results with the same experiment.
(ED) ALT 9 - Identify Problem Addressed With ED
I can identify a problem that can be addressed through engineering design using science principles. (Engineering Design)
AST 9.1 - Identify Problem to be Solved : I can identify a problem that needs to be solved.
AST 9.2 - Research Find Out About Problem : I can do research to find out more about the problem.
AST 9.3 - C-C Science Inquiry Engineering Data : I can compare and contrast science inquiry and engineering design.
(ED) ALT 10 - Design Build Prototype
I can design and build a prototype of a proposed engineering solution and identify factors such as cost, safety, appearance, environmental impact, and what will happen if the solution fails. (Engineering Design)
AST 10.1 - Research Background Develop Design : I can research background information to develop a viable design.
AST 10.2 - Identify Problem Solved With ED : I can identify a problem that could be solved through engineering.
AST 10.3 - Develop Plan for Prototype Logistics : I can develop a plan for a prototype determining materials needed and other logistics.
(ED) ALT 11 - Design Build Proposed Prototype
I can explain that inventions may lead to other inventions and once an invention exists, people may think of novel ways of using it. (Engineering Design)
AST 11.1 - Explain Inventions lead To Inventions : I can explain how some inventions can lead to other inventions.
AST 11.2 - Give Example Use Invention In New Way : I can give an example of how people might use an invention in new ways.
Social Studies
ALT 1 - Similarities-Differences between Two Accounts
I can describe similarities and differences between two accounts of the same event or topic.
AST 1.1 - Reading Two Accounts : I can read and understand two accounts of the same event.
AST 1.2 - Listing Similarities-Differences of Accounts : I can list the similarities and differences between two accounts of the same event or topic.
AST 1.3 - Evaluate Multiple Perspectives : I can describe important similarities and differences between two accounts of the same event to evaluate multiple perspectives.
AST 1.4 - Interpret Multiple Accounts : I can interpret multiple accounts of various events or topics to create an evidence-based conclusion.
5-United States : Identify the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government.
6-United States : Know how a bill becomes a law.
7-United States : Compare the primary functions of federal, state and local governments.
8-United States : Identify basic rights given to citizens of the United States.
9-United States : Identify and give examples of actions citizens can take to influence government policy and decision-making.
10-United States : Explain how different ways of governments are organized.
11-United States : Explain how nations interact with one another.
12-United States : Identify the benefits of diversity.
13-United States : Explain how conflicts should be prevented and managed.
ALT 2- Multiple Sources
I can gather, use and document information from multiple sources.
AST 2.1 - Locate Multiple Sources : I can locate multiple sources about an event, issue or problem.
AST 2.2 - Primary - Secondary Resources : I can identify the differences between primary and secondary sources.
AST 2.3 - Relevant Info from Sources : I can determine and document relevant information from primary and secondary sources about an event, issue or problem.
AST 2.4 - Examine Relevant Information : I can examine and interpret the relevant information gathered to analyze an event, issue or problem.
ALT 3 - Multiple Points of View
I can identify and understand two or more points of view of an event, issue, or problem.
AST 3.1 - Reading Points of View : I can read two or more points of view about an event, issue or problem.
AST 3.2 - Diff in Perspectives : I can describe the differences in perspectives related to an event, issue or problem.
AST 3.3 - Summarizing Points of View : I can summarize two or more points of view of an event, issue or problem.
AST 3.4 - Interpret Mult Points of View : I can interpret multiple points of view in various events or topics to create an evidence-based conclusion.
ALT 4 - Infer Causes and Results
I can infer causes and results of an event, issue, or problem.
AST 4.1 - ID Characteristics of Events : I can identify characteristics of an event, issue or problem.
AST 4.2 - ID 1 Possible Cause and Effect : I can identify one possible cause and effect of an event, issue or problem.
AST 4.3 - Infer Effects and Causes : I can infer the effects (how) and causes (why) of an event, issue or problem.
AST 4.4 - Evaluate Causes-Effects for Diff Outcomes : I can evaluate the causes and effects of an event, topic or problem, to infer how changing a cause would yield different outcomes.
ALT 5 - Proposing Solutions to a Problem
I can propose a solution to a problem and support it with research.
AST 5.1 - ID a Problem : I can identify a problem.
AST 5.2 - Proposing a Solution : I can propose a solution to a problem.
AST 5.3 - Solutions Supported by Research : I can propose a solution to a problem that is supported by research.
AST 5.4 - Compare Multiple Solutions with Research : I can propose and compare multiple solutions to one problem and support them with research.
Technology Ethics & Citizenship
Technology: 5: Ethics & Citizenship
1 : Advocate and practice safe, responsible use of information and technology
2 : Use safe and correct security procedures and recognize the potential harm of intrusive applications (e.g. viruses, spyware, pop-up windows)
3 : Demonstrate responsible use of technological equipment and software as outlined in the acceptable use statement from the Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook
4 : Understand and adhere to ethical and legal use of copyright, licensing, and fair use laws
5 : Practice strategies for avoiding plagiarism when using print and digital content
6 : Respect self, other users, and digital property (e.g. plagiarism, cyberbullying, privacy)
7 : Participate in discussions addressing respect for self and other users, and practice strategies for getting help when necessary including reporting to a trusted adult
8 : Demonstrate respect for existing desktop configuration, system preferences, and user's properties such as passwords, photos, information storage systems, assignments and projects
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Technology: 5: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
1 : Integrate information with appropriate technology to make informed decisions and solve problems
2 : Collect data from multiple sources to identify solutions and make informed decisions
3 : Plan and manage tasks to develop solutions and complete projects
4 : Choose and follow a teacher directed project plan from a list with student setting intermediate dates for step completion
Creative Use of Tech
Technology: 5: Creative Use of Tech
1 : Use technology as a means to develop innovative products that reflect originality and self-expression
2 : Use multimedia tools to create an original product that reflects a unique perspective
Communicate & Collaborate
Technology: 5: Communicate & Collaborate
1 : Present information and ideas effectively to a variety of audiences
2 : Select from a list of applications to communicate learning using a variety of media elements
3 : Analyze and use design elements that contribute to an effective presentation for target audiences
4 : Effectively collaborate locally and globally
5 : Use communication tools to gather information, share ideas, and respond to questions
Technology: 5: Research
1 : Locate, organize, analyze, and cite information from a variety of sources and media
2 : Develop common search strategies when using district online library resources to gain information on a topic
3 : Understand and apply correct bibliographic formats with teacher guidance
4 : Critically evaluate validity of resources
5 : Locate the author, date, and source of web-based information and use to evaluate validity
Tech Operations
Technology: 5: Tech Operations
1 : Understand and operate systems and applications
2 : Transfer work across multiple applications
3 : Apply acquired skills to new technology, hardware, (including peripherals) and applications
4 : Troubleshoot systems and applications
5 : Use self-directed strategies to solve hardware and software problems
6 : Store and access documents in different formats from various locations
7 : Store and retrieve information from portable storage devices (e.g. thumb drives, DVDs, CDs, etc.)
Technology: 5: Keyboarding
1 : Keyboard using correct hand position and posture at 15 words per minute with 90% accuracy