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Beaverton Schools

Parent Input Requests 2020-21

Dear Families,

Assigning Sato students to their classes for the next school year is an important responsibility. Our goal is to place students in a learning environment in which they can succeed.  Classroom teachers and specialists provide important input into classroom make-up.  They spend time with students in the classroom and other school environments and are aware of student needs, abilities and learning styles, as well as friendship considerations. For this reason we have an extensive process by which we collaboratively consider the following criteria as we organize classes for next year: 

  • Balance between boys and girls

  • Combination of students who may have a positive or negative influence on each other’s learning and play

  • Balance of students with individualized education programs, academic achievement and second language needs

  • Balance of social maturity

We recognize that as parents and caregivers you are your child’s most important advocate and teacher.  We want to offer you the opportunity to provide information on your child that may not be directly available or observable in the school environment. You may provide relevant educational information about the specific needs or learning characteristics of your child by completing the form on the next page. We are requiring that all input be in writing in order to protect the integrity of our process. Please do not request a specific teacher. Individual teacher requests cannot be considered because student balance is first priority in class make up and because we can have changes in staffing and the number of classes at grade levels over the summer. Your information sheet will be taken into consideration while the team makes classroom assignments. While we work to honor the information you provide, the final placement decision is made by the school.   

Thank you for your patience and support! THIS student information form is due by Friday, May 29th. Classroom assignments will be available at the end of August.



Annie Pleau, Principal Sato Elementary

Student Information Form